chinedufn / percy

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Triggering state changes as part of an on_visit handler #123

Open murtyjones opened 5 years ago

murtyjones commented 5 years ago


I'd like to trigger a change to state (in this case, to hide an element) when a page is visited. To do so I put a .msg() in an on_visit handler, like so:

  path = "/mypage",
  on_visit = hide_side_nav
fn my_route(store: Provided<Rc<RefCell<Store>>>) -> VirtualNode {

fn hide_side_nav(store: Provided<Rc<RefCell<Store>>>) {

Expected behavior

Page loads and the element I've specified is hidden as a result of the above message being sent

Actual behavior

This runtime error:

panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'

Minimal Reproducible Example

In the isomorphic example, you can reproduce by changing download_contributers_json to send a message like so:

  path = "/contributors",
  on_visit = download_contributors_json
fn contributors_route(store: Provided<Rc<RefCell<Store>>>) -> VirtualNode {

fn download_contributors_json(store: Provided<Rc<RefCell<Store>>>) {
    store.borrow_mut().msg(&Msg::InitiatedContributorsDownload); // Arbitrary message


From reading a little bit about the error is that it's more of an Rc/RefCell problem than a percy problem. I thought would be useful to post it here anyways because I imagine others will get snagged on it at some point.

chinedufn commented 5 years ago

Yeah you're running into this:

Which was recently discovered by @austinsheep

I haven't yet thought about what changes in state management approach could fix this problem - so for now you might just use the same requestAnimationFrame strategy.

Open to any ideas you have of course!

I'll leave this issue open as this is definitely a problem that should be resolved!

chinedufn commented 5 years ago

More context

Basically on_visit gets called while Store is mutably borrowed so you can't just borrow it again.

murtyjones commented 5 years ago

Should've read the comments. Makes sense! Thank you

chinedufn commented 5 years ago

If you don't mind - going to keep this open until we land on a better way to handle this scenario which, like you said, other people will surely run into.
