chinedufn / percy

Build frontend browser apps with Rust + WebAssembly. Supports server side rendering.
Apache License 2.0
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Compile on stable Rust #151

Closed chinedufn closed 3 years ago

chinedufn commented 3 years ago

This commit allows Percy's crates to be compiled on stable Rust.

There is one temporary caveat:

On nightly Rust you can create text nodes without quotes.

// Nightly Rust does not require quotes around text nodes.
html! { <div>My text nodes here </div> };

On stable Rust, quotation marks are required.

// Stable Rust requires quotes around text nodes.
html! { <div>{ "My text nodes here " }</div> };

This difference will go away once span locations are stabilized in the Rust compiler - Rust tracking issue