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Recall: Randomized selection, remove/add learned word #15

Closed chinese-words-separator closed 1 year ago

chinese-words-separator commented 1 year ago

Recall now have a mechanism to verify if the learner really recall something. The old mechanism (honesty-based) for recalling is still available

To make Recall verify if the learner really know the word, check the Verify at the bottom right part of Recall words list. After setting that, this is how the learner can input what he/she recalls


For zhuyin, some operating systems have a way to input the zhuyin symbols. The problem is, that zhuyin input method automatically transform the zhuyin to hanzi. Zhuyin can be made to prevent from being transformed to hanzi, but the user have to press the enter or escape key, which can be cumbersome to some

With that said, for some learners, they need a random list of zhuyin words on the zhuyin text box. Will make it like this:

As for not remembering the correct pinyin/zhuyin and/or meaning, the word should be deleted from learned word list. As for knowing both pinyin/zhuyin and meaning, the word should be added to learned words. But adding it to learned words automatically should only happen if the learner remembers it well enough. If the learner get it correctly most of the time, and if Recall will schedule the next recall session for the word to let's say a month after, then offer the learner the option to add the word to the learned words list already

Points system, it has same mechanism as honesty-based, but is now tied to the correctness of recalls of phonetic(i.e., pinyin/zhuyin) and meaning that are typed by the learner

In honesty-based system, if you feel you know both phonetic and meaning, just click I knew this button, then that is 5 points. Verified recall is same, if both phonetic and meaning inputs are correct, then that is 5 points


In honesty-based system, if you remember/know the meaning (say you are Japanese, or you learned Kanji, or Hanja) of the word, and you just don't know or you forget the pronunciation, you will click the Pinyin button, and after that you'll click the Now I remember, you will get 4 points. Pronunciation is unknown/forgotten, yet know the meaning, has higher point (4 points) than pronunciation is known, yet meaning is forgotten, which is just 3 points. Having 4 points for the former and just 3 points for the latter makes sense, since that is one of the guiding principles on the creation of non-phonetic writing (e.g., hanzi), many can read/sense the meaning of the sentence even if you have different dialect than Beijing, or even you are not from China, like Japan, and also Korea and Vietnam who also used to write in Chinese characters too

The same principle above is applied to verified recall; but instead of clicking hint(s), i.e. Pinyin/Zhuyin button and/or Meaning button, the learner have to input both pinyin/zhuyin and/or meaning



If the learner don't know both the pronunciation and the meaning, there will be two options to assess the points to be granted


If the learner somehow know the word before and just totally forgot both pronunciation and meaning, and when the pronunciation and definition is shown, and the learner is somehow familiar with both, the learner can choose Need reviews which is 2 points. But even if the pronunciation and definition are shown, yet is still totally not familiar on both, the learner will click the New to me, this gives the learner 1 point

chinese-words-separator commented 1 year ago

Zhuyin input now have random selection list


If the learner got both zhuyin and meaning correct, the learner will be offered to have the word marked as learned


Decided to make the option (to mark word as learned) always appear regardless of how well the learner really know the word or not. The worry was if the learner always confidently mark words as learned, he/she may not see those words again if other words get prioritized for memorization, so the first idea is to defer offering the learner of the choice to mark the word they got correctly as learned. But now that there is an option to show just the Marked as learned only, the learner can mark words as learned without the worries that it will be difficult to come back and review those learned words later


Likewise, when the learner got the pinyin/zhuyin and/or meaning incorrect, the word will be automatically deleted from learned word list