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How to preserve learned words list across updates #19

Closed supercontingency closed 1 year ago

supercontingency commented 1 year ago

I love it that improvements are constantly being made CWS and there are frequent updates. But I find that the only way to transfer the learned words to a new update is to export the list and then manually find each word and click on the text so that it won't be annotated. This is tedious as my daughters learned words list is constantly expanding. Is there a better way?

chinese-words-separator commented 1 year ago

Learned words should not get deleted on each update. By any chance, are you deleting Chinese words separator and then re-adding it from Chrome Web Store on each CWS update?

No need to delete it, you can either wait for update to happen automatically (not sure how immediate Google rolls out the update to users), or you go to extensions page to manually force the immediate update. Ellipsis button > More Tools > Extensions. Then you'll see this


Hmm.. I guess you are deleting it on each update due to Update button not being available by default. To enable the Update button, toggle the Developer switch, it's off by default


Maybe you can manually force Chrome to update extensions even without enabling the Developer mode (and clicking the Update button) by restarting Chrome? Anyway, Chrome automatically updates the extension eventually, the observed maximum it takes to do that is 2 days

"If your question is why it is not auto updating. This typically happens once in several hours. The precise frequency is unknown as mentioned in And in practice I've actually had to restart to see it update or ended up updating them manually." -- stackoverflow user

Someone points to a Chrome documentation that it takes 5 hours, someone observed the maximum is 2 days,an%20extension%20you%20have%20installed.