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Agile Cheat Sheet #46

Open egoullaud opened 1 year ago

egoullaud commented 1 year ago


This doc will serve as a running cheat sheet about how we are implementing Agile in this project! We will pull the methodology from the references and links below as well as from trainings with Chingu (Jim Medlock).


Use Issue templates as follows:

  1. Epics: These are broad statements of functionality that will be worked on over multiple sprints! (the features outlined in the project spec)
  2. User Story: These are the user requirements in user terminology (the user experience)
  3. Tasks: These are the granular unit of technical work (the things that need doing)

** For issues NOT within the above guide (references, documentation, notes)

  1. Start a Blank Template
  2. Give it an obvious name so we know what it is
  3. Label it! - on the right hand side there is an option to select labels. I've made some for design, documentation, references. If you don't see the label you're looking for, make a new one! (you'll see this is labelled as references and cheatsheet)


The setup for epics will be more clear once you take a look at them. The basic structure seems to be as follow:

e.g. User Story: Scoreboard Feature as a user, I want to see the scores update automatically as my bots win and lose. I want my bot's name with the scores so I know who is winning. This way I will be able to track which bot is a winner and which is a loser.

e.g. Sprint 1

  • [ ] task to be done
  • [ ] task to be done
  • [ ] task to be done

References and Links

I hope this makes sense to you all and please leave comments with questions and we can further clarify this document as we go!