chingu-voyages / v50-tier2-team-13

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Epic 2: Order Management (38 Story Points) #19

Open ssmall90 opened 2 months ago

ssmall90 commented 2 months ago

User Story 2.1: Add Items to Order As a user, I want to add menu items to my order so that I can select what I want to purchase. Task 2.1.1: Create "Add to Order" button on menu items (3 SP) Task 2.1.2: Store selected items in the order (5 SP)

User Story 2.2: View Order Summary As a user, I want to view a summary of my current order so that I can review what I have selected and see the total cost. Task 2.2.1: Create order summary UI (3 SP) Task 2.2.2: Display item names, prices, and total cost (5 SP)

User Story 2.3: Add Tips to Order As a user, I want to add a tip to my order so that I can provide additional payment for service. Task 2.3.1: Implement tip adding functionality (3 SP) Task 2.3.2: Update total cost with tip amount (3 SP)

User Story 2.4: Remove Items from Order As a user, I want to remove items from my order before finalizing it so that I can make changes if needed. Task 2.4.1: Create "Remove" button for items in order summary (3 SP) Task 2.4.2: Implement remove item functionality (5 SP)

User Story 2.5: Store Order Data Locally As a user, I want my order data to be stored locally so that I don't lose my selections if I refresh the page. Task 2.5.1: Set up local storage for order data (3 SP) Task 2.5.2: Implement saving and retrieving order data from local storage (5 SP)