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Epic 3: Payment Processing (32 Story Points) #20

Open ssmall90 opened 2 months ago

ssmall90 commented 2 months ago

User Story 3.1: Add Credit to Account As a user, I want to add credit to my account so that I can use it for future payments. Task 3.1.1: Create UI for adding credit (5 SP) Task 3.1.2: Implement backend logic to add credit to user account (8 SP)

User Story 3.2: Make Payments Using Credit As a user, I want to make payments using my available credit so that I can complete my purchase. Task 3.2.1: Create UI for making payments using credit (5 SP) Task 3.2.2: Implement payment processing logic using available credit (8 SP)

User Story 3.3: Validate Sufficient Credit As a user, I want the system to validate if I have enough credit before processing the payment so that I don't encounter issues during checkout. Task 3.3.1: Check credit balance before processing payment (3 SP) Task 3.3.2: Provide user feedback on payment status (3 SP)