chingu-voyages / v50-tier2-team-13

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Epic 1: Menu Fetching and Display (26 Story Points) #22

Open ssmall90 opened 2 months ago

ssmall90 commented 2 months ago

User Story 1.1: Fetch Menu Data (COMPLETED) As a user, I want to be able to view a restaurant menu so that I can decide what to order. Task 1.1.1: Set up API call to Menus API (3 SP) Task 1.1.2: Parse and store menu data (3 SP) Task 1.1.3: Display menu items with images, names, prices, restaurant names, and country (5 SP)

User Story 1.2: Filter Menu Items by Category As a user, I want to filter the menu items by category so that I can easily find the type of food I want. Task 1.2.1: Create category filter UI (3 SP) Task 1.2.2: Implement filtering logic to display items by category (5 SP)

User Story 1.3: View Restaurants on a Map As a user, I want to see restaurants on an interactive map so that I can find nearby dining options. Task 1.3.1: Integrate mapping API (e.g., Google Maps) (5 SP) Task 1.3.2: Plot restaurant locations on the map (5 SP) Task 1.3.3: Implement click event to fetch and display specific restaurant's menu items (8 SP)