User Story Description
As a user
I want to be able to sign in to, sign up for and sign-out of the travel App
So I can have a valid authentication session to use the service.
Steps to Follow
[x] Task- Create User schema
[x] Task- Implement Google Auth and Email Password Authentication service.
[x] Task- Create API endpoints
[x] Task- Create a sign-in and a sign-up UI pages
Acceptance Criteria
A sign-in, sign-up should be available and also authentication functions. Log out functionality will be in another story.
User Story Description As a user I want to be able to sign in to, sign up for and sign-out of the travel App So I can have a valid authentication session to use the service.
Steps to Follow
Acceptance Criteria A sign-in, sign-up should be available and also authentication functions. Log out functionality will be in another story.