User story description
As an authenticated user, I want to see a page that has a list of my adventures, prioritized by date so I can tap on a trip and review or or continue editing/collaborating.
Stretch goal: the list of adventures has icons or badges indicating some kind of change
[x] UI: create the user home page, which includes a list of adventures (by name) and render data from the backend
[x] Allow user to click a button to create a new adventure. Take them to the "create adventure screen"
[x] Create any backend api endpoints
[x] Update any other components that should link or redirect to this home page
Acceptance Criteria
This is done when:
Users who log in, or sign up successfully are immediately redirected to this home page
Home page fetches trips and lists them in the appropriate order
If a trip is in the past and is completed, it is readonly.
User story description As an authenticated user, I want to see a page that has a list of my adventures, prioritized by date so I can tap on a trip and review or or continue editing/collaborating.
Stretch goal: the list of adventures has icons or badges indicating some kind of change
Acceptance Criteria This is done when: