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This PR contains the following updates:
Release Notes
### [`v7.5.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Performance Improvements - removed code that would `bind` functions passed with observers to `subscribe`. ([#6815]( ([fb375a0](, closes [#6783]( ### [`v7.5.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **subscribe:** allow interop with Monio and other libraries that patch function bind ([0ab91eb](, closes [#6783]( ### [`v7.5.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - operators that ignore input values now use `unknown` rather than `any`, which should resolve issues with eslint no-unsafe-argument ([#6738]( ([67cb317](, closes [#6536]( - **ajax:** crossDomain flag deprecated and properly reported to consumers ([#6710]( ([7fd0575](, closes [#6663]( ### [`v7.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - export supporting interfaces from top-level `rxjs` site. ([#6733]( ([299a1e1]( ### [`v7.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **takeWhile:** Now returns proper types when passed a `Boolean` constructor. ([#6633]( ([081ca2b]( - **forEach:** properly unsubs after error in next handler ([#6677]( ([b9ab67d](, closes [#6676]( - **WebSocketSubject:** handle slow WebSocket close ([#6708]( ([8cb201c](, closes [#4650]( [#3935]( - RxJS now supports tslib 2.x, rather than just 2.1.x ([#6692]( ([0b2495f](, closes [#6689]( - schedulers will no longer error while rescheduling and unsubscribing during flushes ([e35f589](, closes [#6672]( ##### Features - **repeat:** now has configurable delay ([#6640]( ([6b7a534]( ### [`v7.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - Add es2015 entries to the exports declaration to support Angular ([#6614]( ([268777b](, closes [/]( #### [7.3.1]( (2021-10-01) ##### Bug Fixes - **Schedulers:** Throwing a falsy error in a scheduled function no longer results in strange error objects. ([#6594]( ([c70fcc0]( - scheduling with Rx-provided schedulers will no longer leak action references ([#6562]( ([ff5a748](, closes [#6561]( - **forkJoin:** now finalizes sources before emitting ([#6546]( ([c52ff2e](, closes [#4914]( - **observeOn:** release action references on teardown ([321d205]( - **types:** update schedule signature overload ([c61e57c]( ### [`v7.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **Schedulers:** Throwing a falsy error in a scheduled function no longer results in strange error objects. ([#6594]( ([c70fcc0]( - scheduling with Rx-provided schedulers will no longer leak action references ([#6562]( ([ff5a748](, closes [#6561]( - **forkJoin:** now finalizes sources before emitting ([#6546]( ([c52ff2e](, closes [#4914]( - **observeOn:** release action references on teardown ([321d205]( - **types:** update schedule signature overload ([c61e57c]( ### [`v7.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - Expose `Connectable`, the return type of `connectable` ([#6531]( ([69f5bfa](, closes [#6529]( - **AsyncSubject:** properly emits values during reentrant subscriptions ([#6522]( ([dd8bdf3](, closes [#6520]( ##### Features - **retry:** Now supports configurable delay as a named argument ([#6421]( ([5f69795]( - **tap:** Now supports subscribe, unsubscribe, and finalize handlers ([#6527]( ([eb26cbc]( ### [`v7.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **debounceTime:** unschedule dangling task on unsubscribe before complete ([#6464]( ([7ab0a4c]( - **fromEvent:** Types now properly infer when resultSelector is provided ([#6447]( ([39b9d81]( ##### Features - Operators are all exported at the top level, from "rxjs". From here on out, we encourage top-level imports with RxJS. Importing from `rxjs/operators` will be deprecated soon. ([#6488]( ([512adc2](, closes [#6242]( ### [`v7.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - returned operator functions from multicast operators `share`, `publish`, `publishReplay` are now referentially transparent. Meaning if you take the result of calling `publishReplay(3)` and pass it to more than one observable's `pipe` method, it will behave the same in each case, rather than having a cumulative effect, which was a regression introduced sometime in version 6. If you required this broken behavior, there is a workaround posted [here]( ([#6410]( ([e2f2e51](, closes [/]( [#5411]( ##### Features - All subjects now have an `observed` property. This will allow users to check whether a subject has current subscribers without us allowing access to the `observers` array, which is going to be made private in future versions. ([#6405]( ([f47425d]( - **groupBy:** Support named arguments, support ObservableInputs for duration selector ([#5679]( ([7a99397]( - **share:** use another observable to control resets ([#6169]( ([12c3716]( #### [7.0.1]( (2021-05-12) ##### Bug Fixes - **bindCallback:** resulting function now recreated underlying Subject and is reusable once again. ([#6369]( ([abf2bc1]( - **retry:** properly handles retry counts smaller than `1`. ([#6359]( ([e797bd7]( - **share:** properly closes synchronous "firehose" sources. ([#6370]( ([2271a91]( - Observable teardowns now properly called if `useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling` is `true`. ([#6365]( ([e19e104](, closes [#6364]( - **Subscription:** properly release parent subscriptions when unsubscribed. ([#6352]( ([88331d2](, closes [#6351]( [#6351]( - **node**: do not reference DOM-related imports to assist in node usage. ([#6305]( ([b24818e](, closes [#6297]( ### [`v7.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **bindCallback:** resulting function now recreated underlying Subject and is reusable once again. ([#6369]( ([abf2bc1]( - **retry:** properly handles retry counts smaller than `1`. ([#6359]( ([e797bd7]( - **share:** properly closes synchronous "firehose" sources. ([#6370]( ([2271a91]( - Observable teardowns now properly called if `useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling` is `true`. ([#6365]( ([e19e104](, closes [#6364]( - **Subscription:** properly release parent subscriptions when unsubscribed. ([#6352]( ([88331d2](, closes [#6351]( [#6351]( - **node**: do not reference DOM-related imports to assist in node usage. ([#6305]( ([b24818e](, closes [#6297]( ### [`v7.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - VS code will now properly auto-import operators, et al ([#6276]( ([f43c728](, closes [#6067]( - **AjaxResponse:** add stricter `type` (`AjaxResponseType`) ([#6279]( ([839e192]( ### [`v6.6.7`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.6.6`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.6.4`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.6.3`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.6.2`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.6.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.5.5`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.5.4`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v6.5.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **general:** Refactor modules so they don't show side effects in some tools ([#4769]( ([9829c5e0]( - **defer:** restrict allowed factory types ([#4835]( ([40a22096]( ### [`v6.5.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **endWith:** wrap args - they are not observables - in of before concatenating ([#4735]( ([986be2f]( - **forkJoin:** test for object literal ([#4741]( ([c11e1b3](, closes [#4737]( [#4737]( - **Notification:** replace const enum ([#4556]( ([e460eec](, closes [#4538]( - **of:** remove deprecation comment to prevent false positive warning ([#4724]( ([da69c16]( - **pairwise:** make it recursion-proof ([#4743]( ([21ab261]( - **scan:** fixed declarations to properly support different return types ([#4598]( ([126d2b6]( - **Subscription:** Return Empty when teardown === null ([#4575]( ([ffc4e68]( - **throttleTime:** emit single value with trailing enabled ([#4564]( ([fd690a6](, closes [#2859]( [#4491]( - **umd:** export fetch namespace ([#4738]( ([7926122]( - **fromFetch:** don't abort if fetch resolves ([#4742]( ([ed8d771]( ### [`v6.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **Notification:** replace const enum ([#4556]( ([e460eec](, closes [#4538]( - **throttleTime:** emit single value with trailing enabled ([#4564]( ([fd690a6](, closes [#2859]( [#4491]( ### [`v6.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **docs-app:** remove stopWordFilter from lunr pipeline ([#4536]( ([9eaebd4]( - **dtslint:** disable tests that break in TS@next ([#4705]( ([ecc73d2]( - **index:** export NotificationKind ([#4514]( ([7125355](, closes [#4513]( - **race:** better typings ([#4643]( ([fb9bc48](, closes [#4390]( [#4642]( - **throwIfEmpty:** ensure result is retry-able ([c4f44b9]( - **types:** Fixed signature for onErrorResumeNext ([#4603]( ([4dd0be0]( ##### Features - **combineLatest:** deprecated rest argument and scheduler signatures ([#4641]( ([6661c79](, closes [#4640]( - **fromFetch:** We now export a `fromFetch` static observable creation method from `rxjs/fetch`. Mirrors native `fetch` only it's lazy and cancellable via `Observable` interface. ([#4702]( ([5a1ef86]( - **forkJoin:** accepts a dictionary of sources ([#4640]( ([b5a2ac9]( - **partition:** new `partition` observable creation function. Old `partition` operator is deprecated ([#4419]( ([#4685]( ([d5d6980]( - **scheduled:** Add `scheduled` creation function to use to create scheduled observable of values. Deprecate scheduled versions of `from`, `range`, et al. ([#4595]( ([f57e1fc]( ##### Performance Improvements - **Subscription:** improve parent management ([#4526]( ([06f1a25]( ### [`v6.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **ajax:** Fix case-insensitive headers in HTTP request ([#4453]( ([673bf47]( - **bundle:** closure to not rewrite polyfills for minification ([#4487]( ([a1fedb9]( - **bundle:** don't export `operators` twice ([#4310]( ([2399f6e]( - **combineLatest:** improve typings for combineLatest ([#4470]( ([40c3d9f]( - **compat:** remove internal from import locations ([#4498]( ([a6c0017](, closes [#4070]( - **endWith:** ability to endWith different types ([#4183]( ([#4185]( ([83533d1]( - **fromEventPattern:** improve typings for fromEventPattern ([#4496]( ([037f53d]( - **Observable:** Fix Observable.subscribe to add operator TeardownLogic to returned Subscription. ([#4434]( ([f28955f]( - **subscribe:** Deprecate null starting parameter signatures for subscribe ([#4202]( ([c85ddf6]( - **combineLatest:** support passing union types ([ffda319]( - **from:** support passing union types ([eb1d596]( - **withLatestFrom:** support passing union types ([1e19a24]( - **zip:** support passing union types ([0d87f52]( - **multicast:** support returning union types from projection ([e9e9041]( - **exhaustMap:** support returning union types from projection ([ff1f5dc]( - **merge:** support union type inference for merge operators ([c2ac39c]( - **catchError:** support union type returns ([8350622]( - **switchMap:** support union type returns ([32d35fd]( - **defer:** support union types passed ([5aea50e]( - **race:** Update typings to support proper return types ([#4465]( ([0042846]( - **VirtualTimeScheduler:** rework flush so it won't lose actions ([#4433]( ([d068bc9]( - **WebSocketSubject:** fix subject failing to close socket ([#4446]( ([dcfa52b]( ##### Features - **shareReplay:** Add configuration object for named arguments, and add argument to support unsubscribing from source observable by `refCount` when all resulting subscriptions have unsubscribed. The default behavior is to leave the source subscription running. - **mergeScan:** Add index to the accumulator function ([#4458]( ([f5e143d](, closes [#4441]( - **range:** accept one argument ([#4360]( ([a388578]( - **takeWhile:** add an `inclusive` option to the operator which causes to emit final value ([#4115]( ([6e7f407]( ##### Performance Improvements - **internal:** optimize Subscription#add() for the common case ([#4489]( ([bdd201c]( - **internal:** use strict equality for isObject() ([#4493]( ([fc84a00]( - **Subscription:** use `instanceof` to avoid megamorphic LoadIC ([#4499]( ([065b4e3]( #### [6.3.3]( (2018-09-25) ##### Bug Fixes - **pipe:** align static pipe to Observable pipe rest parameters overl… ([#4112]( ([8c607e9](, closes [#4109]( [#4109]( - **RxJS:** each instance of RxJS now has a unique Subscriber symbol ([0972c56]( - **subscribe:** report errors that occur in subscribe after the initial error ([#4089]( ([9b4b2bc](, closes [#3803]( - **Subscriber:** Can no longer subscribe to itself in a circular manner ([#4106]( ([e623ec6](, closes [#4095]( - **Subscriber:** use only local Subscriber instances ([50ee0a7]( - **TypeScript:** ensure RxJS builds with TS@next as well ([f03e790]( #### [6.3.2]( (2018-09-04) ##### Bug Fixes - **node:** will no longer error mixing RxJS 6.3 and 6.2 ([#4078]( ([69d9ccf](, closes [#4077]( #### [6.3.1]( (2018-08-31) ##### Bug Fixes - **mergeMap:** fix nested mergeMaps ([#4072]( ([0ab701b](, closes [#4071]( ### [`v6.3.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **pipe:** align static pipe to Observable pipe rest parameters overl… ([#4112]( ([8c607e9](, closes [#4109]( [#4109]( - **RxJS:** each instance of RxJS now has a unique Subscriber symbol ([0972c56]( - **subscribe:** report errors that occur in subscribe after the initial error ([#4089]( ([9b4b2bc](, closes [#3803]( - **Subscriber:** Can no longer subscribe to itself in a circular manner ([#4106]( ([e623ec6](, closes [#4095]( - **Subscriber:** use only local Subscriber instances ([50ee0a7]( - **TypeScript:** ensure RxJS builds with TS@next as well ([f03e790]( ### [`v6.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **node:** will no longer error mixing RxJS 6.3 and 6.2 ([#4078]( ([69d9ccf](, closes [#4077]( ### [`v6.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **mergeMap:** fix nested mergeMaps ([#4072]( ([0ab701b](, closes [#4071]( ### [`v6.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **find:** unsubscribe from source when found ([#3968]( ([fd01f7b]( - convert [@internal]( comment to JSDoc ([#3932]( ([f8a9d6e]( - **AjaxObservable:** notify with error if fails to parse json response ([#3139]( ([d8231e2](, closes [#3138]( - **catchError:** stop listening to a synchronous inner-obervable when unsubscribed ([456ef33]( - **distinctUntilKeyChanged:** improved key typing with keyof T ([#3988]( ([4ec4ff1]( - **exhaustMap:** stop listening to a synchronous inner-obervable when unsubscribed ([ee1a339]( - **find:** add undefined to return type ([#3970]( ([5a6c90f](, closes [#3969]( - **IE10:** Remove dependency on Object.setPrototypeOf ([#3967]( ([5c52a73](, closes [#3966]( - **mergeAll:** add source subscription to composite before actually subscribing ([#2479]( ([40852ff](, closes [#2476]( - **mergeScan:** stop listening to a synchronous inner-obervable when unsubscribed ([c4002f3]( - **Observable:** forEach will no longer next values after an error ([b4bad1f]( - **Observable:** use more granular Observable exports in compat mode ([#3974]( ([3f75564]( - **onErrorResumeNext:** stop listening to a synchronous inner-obervable when unsubscribed ([1d14277]( - **pipe:** replace rest parameters overload ([#3945]( ([872b0ec](, closes [#3841]( - **skipUntil:** stop listening to a synchronous notifier after its first nexted value ([1c257db]( - **startWith:** allow empty type signature and passing a different type ([b7866a0]( - **subscribable:** make subscribe() signature match Observable ([#4050]( ([865d8d7](, closes [#3891]( - **subscriber:** unsubscribe parents on error/complete ([ad8131b]( - **switchMap:** stop listening to a synchronous inner-obervable when unsubscribed ([260d52a]( - **takeUntil:** takeUntil should subscribe to the source if notifier sync completes without emitting ([#4039]( ([21fd0b4](, closes [#3504]( - **testscheduler:** type arguments to Observable creation functions ([#3928]( ([0e30ef1]( ##### Features - **delayWhen:** add index to the selector function ([#2473]( ([0979d31]( - **forEach:** deprecating passing promise constructor ([5178ab9]( - **TestScheduler:** Add subscription schedule to expectObservable ([#3997]( ([0d20255]( #### [6.2.2]( (2018-07-13) ##### Bug Fixes - **first:** improved type gaurds for TypeScript ([3e12f7a]( - **last:** improved type gaurds for TypeScript ([3e12f7a]( #### [6.2.1]( (2018-06-12) ##### Bug Fixes - **ci:** do not trigger postbuild script on PR ([f82c085]( - **delayWhen:** Emit source value if duration selector completes synchronously ([#3664]( ([2c43af7](, closes [#3663]( - **docs:** fix broken github links ([#3802]( ([9f9bf9b]( - **docs:** fix code examples ([#3784]( ([a95441b]( - **from:** Objects implementing Symbol.observable take precedence over other types ([80ceea0]( - **fromEvent:** Support React Native and node-compatible event sources. ([#3821]( ([1969f18]( - **Observable.prototype.pipe:** TS typings now more correct for >8 parameters ([#3789]( ([ad010ea]( - **subscribe:** ignore syncError when deprecated ([#3749]( ([f94560c]( - **Symbol.observable:** make observable declaration readonly ([#3697]( ([#3773]( ([e1c203f]( - **TypeScript:** resolved typings issue for TS 3.0 ([bf2cdeb]( - **typings:** allow bufferCreationInterval null for bufferTime ([#3734]( ([0bda9cd](, closes [#3728]( ##### Performance Improvements - remove comments from js-files ([#3760]( ([bb2c334]( ### [`v6.2.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **first:** improved type gaurds for TypeScript ([3e12f7a]( - **last:** improved type gaurds for TypeScript ([3e12f7a]( ### [`v6.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **ci:** do not trigger postbuild script on PR ([f82c085]( - **delayWhen:** Emit source value if duration selector completes synchronously ([#3664]( ([2c43af7](, closes [#3663]( - **docs:** fix broken github links ([#3802]( ([9f9bf9b]( - **docs:** fix code examples ([#3784]( ([a95441b]( - **from:** Objects implementing Symbol.observable take precedence over other types ([80ceea0]( - **fromEvent:** Support React Native and node-compatible event sources. ([#3821]( ([1969f18]( - **Observable.prototype.pipe:** TS typings now more correct for >8 parameters ([#3789]( ([ad010ea]( - **subscribe:** ignore syncError when deprecated ([#3749]( ([f94560c]( - **Symbol.observable:** make observable declaration readonly ([#3697]( ([#3773]( ([e1c203f]( - **TypeScript:** resolved typings issue for TS 3.0 ([bf2cdeb]( - **typings:** allow bufferCreationInterval null for bufferTime ([#3734]( ([0bda9cd](, closes [#3728]( ##### Performance Improvements - remove comments from js-files ([#3760]( ([bb2c334]( ### [`v6.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **ajax:** Handle timeouts as errors ([#3653]( ([e4128ea]( - **ajax:** RxJS v6 TimeoutError is missing name property ([576d943]( - **isObservable:** Fix throwing error when testing isObservable(null) ([#3688]( ([c9acc61]( - **range:** Range should be same for every subscriber ([#3707]( ([9642133]( - **skipUntil:** fix skipUntil when innerSubscription is null ([#3686]( ([4226432]( - **TestScheduler:** restore run changes upon error ([27cb9b6]( - **TimeoutError:** Add name to TimeoutError ([44042d0]( - **WebSocketSubject:** Check to see if WebSocket exists in global scope ([#3694]( ([2db0788]( ##### Features - **endWith:** add new operator endWith ([#3679]( ([537fe7d]( ### [`v6.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **audit:** will not crash if duration is synchronous ([#3608]( ([76b7e27](, closes [#2743]( - **delay:** fix memory leak ([#3605]( ([96f05b0]( ##### Features - **isObservable:** a new method for checking to see if an object is an RxJS Observable ([edb33e5]( ### [`v6.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **websocket:** no longer throws errors in operators applied to it ([#3577]( ([cb38ddf]( ##### Code Refactoring - **webSocket:** rename back to webSocket ala 5.0 ([#3590]( ([d5658fe]( ##### Features - **testing:** Add helper ([2d5b3b2]( - **testing:** supports time progression syntax ([9322b7d]( ##### BREAKING CHANGES - **webSocket:** UNBREAKING websocket to be named `webSocket` again, just like it was in 5.0. Now you should import from `rxjs/webSocket` ### [`v5.5.12`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.5.11`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.5.10`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v5.5.9`]( [Compare Source](
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