chintanbanugaria / 92five

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Tests with sqlite in-memory #104

Closed CyberiaResurrection closed 8 years ago

CyberiaResurrection commented 8 years ago

No direct bug fixes here, but laying the ground work to easily write (and use) more comprehensive and aggressive tests. As a nice side effect, migrations and seeds get a workout with each test run.

The immediate use case I had in mind when making these changes was tackling #95, since that looks like it might need a functional test to fully characterise underlying issue - I have no doubt blank first and/or last name is part of issue, but it might not be all of it.

chintanbanugaria commented 8 years ago

@CyberiaResurrection You have changed the default DB to sqlite. Is it working for you with left and inner joins with tables ?

CyberiaResurrection commented 8 years ago

I haven't changed the default for production - that remains at whatever has already been set (currently mysql), only for running tests.

Give me a bit and I'll push up a test case.

CyberiaResurrection commented 8 years ago

As promised, a test case illustrating how to do a basic join using Laravel's database abstraction layer.

CyberiaResurrection commented 8 years ago

Sorry, that was a rather long-winded way of saying yes, they work. I was also trying to give you a way to independently check that joins work.

CyberiaResurrection commented 8 years ago

Is there anything else you want me to provide?