Open JacobChrist opened 6 years ago
Additional changes / errors. I download GitHub Desktop 1.2.0. To install Jekyll I had to do the additional that is missing from the instructions:
After trying all three shells the instructions to install Jekyll did not work. Specifically the "bundle install" command fails.
I'm attempting to contact David Powell, who I believe wrote these instructions, so we can assign this issue to him in GH to fix. Thanks for testing it out Jacob.
The "bundle install" command assumes Ruby is installed on your computer. This maybe the only step that is missing from the instructions. If I have time to verify this I'll update the instructions and make a pull request.
I got Jekyll to work on my Windows 10 computer by doing the following:
On the following documentation page:
which is in the repo here:
The instructions have you install Jekyll prior to cloning the repo. The install instructions have suggest that Jekyll will "rad" (should be read) the Gemfile from the cloned repo (which is not possible because it has not been cloned yet)
Install Jekyll To install Jekyll bundle will rad the contents of the Gemfile in the docs directory.