For the vivado.tcl
If I want to build soc or create vivado design do I need to build a new tcl. If not how can I use the one already in the repository.
ERROR: [Common 17-55] 'setproperty' expects at least one object.
Resolution: If [get] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object.
For the vivado.tcl If I want to build soc or create vivado design do I need to build a new tcl. If not how can I use the one already in the repository.
set_property is_global_include true [get_files tools/snapshots/default/common_defines.vh]
ERROR: [Common 17-55] 'setproperty' expects at least one object. Resolution: If [get] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object.