chipsalliance / Cores-VeeR-EH1

VeeR EH1 core
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Unconventional mux logic #22

Closed saw235 closed 4 years ago

saw235 commented 4 years ago

Instead of using the case statement for select encoding and having an a mux cell, may I know what is the reason for the unconventional way of doing the mux logic in this repository?

It is quite non-intuitive and does not guarantee the conditions to be mutually exclusive.

For example

// line 565
assign f1pc_in[31:1] = ({31{fetch_to_f1}} & ifu_fetch_pc[31:1]) |
                       ({31{shift_f2_f1}} & f2pc[31:1]) |
                       ({31{~fetch_to_f1&~shift_f2_f1}} & sf1pc[31:1]);
olofk commented 4 years ago

I'm not the designer of this core, but an and-or mux like this should be cheaper if you know that certain conditions can't occur. In this case it seems to take advantage of the fact that fetch_to_f1 and shift_f2_f1 can't be asserted at the same time

saw235 commented 4 years ago

I see, that make sense. But I feel like there should be some arguments against for maintainability purposes. And these kind of optimizations should be recognized and made by the synthesis tool/design compiler instead whenever possible.

olofk commented 4 years ago

I'll leave it to the core designers to give a definite answer, but my personal experience is that the tools aren't always as clever as you might expect and that sometimes you need to sacrifice readability for performance. Especially if you want a consistent implementation across different tools

Contental commented 4 years ago

Assuming 'fetch_to_f1' and 'shift_f2_f1' are never asserted at the same time, this is a very quick mux. That's why it's done this way. It actually is a conventional way of implementing a fast mux.

case (and casez/casex) statements have intrisic priority, the first case is evaluated first (see section 12.5 of the LRM), so this adds extra logic that may or may not be optimised out.

Contental commented 4 years ago

This is logged as an issue with the core. It is not an issue with the core. Such discussions should be held on another forum. Don't know where though. Any suggestions?

This issue should be closed. Who does that?

olofk commented 4 years ago

There is no dedicated mailing list but has been used to discuss other technical aspects and questions about SweRV so I recommend that for now

saw235 commented 4 years ago

@Contental SV have usable constructs (unique/priority) to deal with this kind of ambiguity.

Interesting, this is actually the first time I have come across a mux being done this way after 3 years in the industry.