Closed sobuch closed 4 years ago
Thanks for reporting. Note that this is only used by the testbench, and not the design itself. Will be fixed in next release.
I see this changed in the new version, however it still doesn't work for me.
Currently, there is the following at
foreach my $tag (qw ( size page_size serialio )) {
$jh{memmap}{tag} = $config{memmap}{ta} if exists $config{memmap}{tag};
Could it be more like this?
$config{memmap}{consoleio} = $config{memmap}{serialio} if exists $config{memmap}{serialio};
foreach my $tag (qw ( size page_size serialio consoleio)) {
$jh{memmap}{$tag} = $config{memmap}{$tag} if exists $config{memmap}{$tag};
Indeed. Good catch Sam.
I can confirm its fine now, thus closing this issue. Thank you for looking into this.
I suppose it should be: cosnoleio -> consoleio