chipsalliance / Surelog

SystemVerilog 2017 Pre-processor, Parser, Elaborator, UHDM Compiler. Provides IEEE Design/TB C/C++ VPI and Python AST & UHDM APIs. Compiles on Linux gcc, Windows msys2-gcc & msvc, OsX
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Foreach with multiple loop variables doesn't emit skipped indexes #3235

Closed mglb closed 1 year ago

mglb commented 1 year ago

Skipped indexes are missing in VPI AST. According to [1] skipped index variable should be represented as vpiOperation with vpiOpType = vpiNullOp. [1]: IEEE Std 1800-2021 "IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog", 37 VPI object model diagrams, 37.73. Do-while, foreach, Detail 2.

Example (

module top;
    logic [1:0] foo [4] = {2'b10,2'b01,2'b11,2'b00};
        foreach (foo [ x ])
            $display(x, foo[x]);

    // from the SystemVerilog-2017 specification
    int A [2][3][4];
    bit [3:0][2:1] B [5:1][4];
    initial begin
        A = 0;
        B = 0;
        foreach( A [ i, j, k ] )
            $display(i, j, k);
        foreach( B [ q, r, , s ] )
            $display(q, r, s);

VPI AST fragment for the foreach over B:

\_foreach_stmt: (work@top), line:15:9, endln:15:16
  \_begin: (work@top), line:10:13, endln:17:8
  \_ref_var: (work@top.B), line:15:18, endln:15:19
    \_foreach_stmt: (work@top), line:15:9, endln:15:16
  \_bit_var: (q), line:15:22, endln:15:23
    \_bit_typespec: , line:9:5, endln:9:19
  \_bit_var: (r), line:15:25, endln:15:26
    \_bit_typespec: , line:9:5, endln:9:19
      \_range: , line:9:9, endln:9:14
  ╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴┨ Missing vpiOperation
  \_bit_var: (s), line:15:30, endln:15:31
    \_bit_typespec: , line:9:5, endln:9:19
alaindargelas commented 1 year ago

Please provide a synthesizable example we can formally verify

mglb commented 1 year ago

This one should be syntesizable:

module top(input clk);
    bit [1:0][3:0] B [3:0][2];
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        foreach(B[q, r, , s]) begin
            B[q][r][0][s] = r;
            B[q][r][1][s] = 0;

Relevant fragments of UHDM tree (command: surelog -parse -d uhdm):

\_foreach_stmt: (work@top), line:4:9, endln:4:16
  \_begin: (work@top), line:3:27, endln:8:8
  \_ref_var: (work@top.B), line:4:17, endln:4:18
    \_foreach_stmt: (work@top), line:4:9, endln:4:16
  \_bit_var: (q), line:4:19, endln:4:20
    \_bit_typespec: , line:2:5, endln:2:19
      \_range: , line:2:9, endln:2:14
        \_constant: , line:2:10, endln:2:11
          \_range: , line:2:9, endln:2:14
        \_constant: , line:2:12, endln:2:13
          \_range: , line:2:9, endln:2:14
      \_range: , line:2:14, endln:2:19
        \_constant: , line:2:15, endln:2:16
          \_range: , line:2:14, endln:2:19
        \_constant: , line:2:17, endln:2:18
          \_range: , line:2:14, endln:2:19
  \_bit_var: (r), line:4:22, endln:4:23
    \_bit_typespec: , line:2:5, endln:2:19
  ╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴┨ Missing vpiLoopVars/vpiOperation
  \_bit_var: (s), line:4:27, endln:4:28
    \_bit_typespec: , line:2:5, endln:2:19
alaindargelas commented 1 year ago

By synthesizable, I also mean that we can observe in the synthesis output if we are dealing with the design correctly end-to-end. The example you provided is not Observable, there is no output, the Synthesis optimizes everything out so no matter how badly we model the design the formal verification or simulation will say "Good job". We need to create designs that are synthesizable and observable. So we don't have false negatives.

The modified design below fits the description above:

module top(input clk, output bit [1:0][3:0] B [3:0][2]);
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        foreach(B[q, r, , s]) begin
            B[q][r][0][s] = r;
            B[q][r][1][s] = 0;

That design will generate a netlist that can be simulated of run through formal verification.

alaindargelas commented 1 year ago

Fixed by #3241.

@mglb, please add this testcase to

and make sure we reach formal equivalence with Yosys parser.

module top(input clk, output bit [1:0][3:0] B [3:0][2]);
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        foreach(B[q, r, , s]) begin
            B[q][r][0][s] = r;
            B[q][r][1][s] = 0;