chipsalliance / VeeRwolf

FuseSoC-based SoC for VeeR EH1 and EL2
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Unable to run Simulation using FuseSoC #62

Closed vignajeth closed 1 year ago

vignajeth commented 1 year ago

Hi, I can compile the project and run simulation using verilator. However, I would like to run just the simulation without compilation. To do that i used --run option in the fusesoc command option. Unfortunately, it does not work. It throws an error saying

$ fusesoc run --run --target=sim swervolf --bootrom_file=my_blinky.vh --vcd --timeout=10000
WARNING: Parse error. Ignoring file fusesoc_libraries/fusesoc-cores/fusesoc_utils/blinky-0.core: Unknown item 'Integer'
WARNING: Parse error. Ignoring file fusesoc_libraries/fusesoc-cores/fusesoc_utils/blinky-1.0.core: Unknown item 'Integer'
WARNING: Parse error. Ignoring file fusesoc_libraries/fusesoc-cores/fusesoc_utils/blinky-1.1.core: Unknown item 'Integer'
WARNING: Parse error. Ignoring file fusesoc_libraries/fusesoc-cores/serv/servant-1.0.2-r1.core: Unknown item 'Integer'
WARNING: Parse error. Ignoring file fusesoc_libraries/fusesoc-cores/serv/servant-1.0.2.core: Unknown item 'Integer'
WARNING: Parse error. Ignoring file fusesoc_libraries/fusesoc-cores/serv/servant-1.1.0.core: Unknown item 'Integer'
INFO: Running
INFO: Running simulation
ERROR: Failed to run ::swervolf:0.7.4 : Command './Vswervolf_core_tb' not found. Make sure it is in $PATH

let me know if you face the same issue

i think the error information is absurd

vignajeth commented 1 year ago

nevermind, i don't get this error no more should have been a mixup of different tb files i had