Open ashu-bitspilani opened 1 year ago
I have tried this but I am encounter error while compiling .
buildTopClockGenerator Frequency Summary
Input Reference Frequency: 100.0 MHz
Output clock subsystem_sbus_0, requested: 100.0 MHz, actual: 100.0 MHz (division of 1)
Output clock subsystem_sbus_1, requested: 100.0 MHz, actual: 100.0 MHz (division of 1)
Output clock subsystem_pbus_0, requested: 100.0 MHz, actual: 100.0 MHz (division of 1)
Output clock subsystem_fbus_0, requested: 100.0 MHz, actual: 100.0 MHz (division of 1)
Output clock subsystem_mbus_0, requested: 100.0 MHz, actual: 100.0 MHz (division of 1)
Output clock subsystem_cbus_0, requested: 100.0 MHz, actual: 100.0 MHz (division of 1)
Output clock implicit_clock, requested: 100.0 MHz, actual: 100.0 MHz (division of 1)
mem AXI4-ID <= TL-Source mapping:
[ 0, 16) <= [ 0, 16) "TLBroadcast"
[error] PTW.scala:291: High index 26 is out of range [0, 20] in class freechips.rocketchip.rocket.PTW
[error] There were 1 error(s) during hardware elaboration.
[error] (run-main-0) chisel3.internal.Errors: Fatal errors during hardware elaboration. Look above for error list. Rerun with --throw-on-first-error if you wish to see a stack trace.
[error] chisel3.internal.Errors: Fatal errors during hardware elaboration. Look above for error list. Rerun with --throw-on-first-error if you wish to see a stack trace.
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last Compile / bgRunMain for the full output
[error] Nonzero exit code: 1
[error] (Compile / runMain) Nonzero exit code: 1
[error] Total time: 38 s, completed 10-Dec-2023, 12:39:33 am
How Can I solve it ?
Hi. I don't want PTW in my Rocket SoC because I am not using Virtual Memory. I have tried to remove it class from the Tile.scala but I am getting the compiler error.
Can someone help how can I remove it ?