Open DecodeTheEncoded opened 2 months ago
Can you provide a minimal chipyard config that demonstrates the issue? That would help me figure out the problem here.
1) definitely seems like a bug, a bug from the original UART code. There's no reason why the crossing is applied twice.
2) is surprising to me. Connecting a implicit-clocked' module under DigitalTop should result in an elaboration error - "no implicit clock found".
Jerry, Thanks for your reply, UARTAttachParams
is exposed in CDE using case class UARTLocated(loc: HierarchicalLocation) extends Field[Seq[UARTAttachParams]](Nil)
, but it seems HasPeripheryUART
code does not use that parameter:
trait HasPeripheryUART { this: BaseSubsystem =>
val uarts = p(PeripheryUARTKey).map { ps =>
val uartNodes =
val uart = InModuleBody { { case(n,i) => n.makeIO()(ValName(s"uart_$i")) } }
Therefore, you can modify the intXType
parameter in case class UARTAttachParams
case class UARTAttachParams(
device: UARTParams,
controlWhere: TLBusWrapperLocation = PBUS,
blockerAddr: Option[BigInt] = None,
controlXType: ClockCrossingType = NoCrossing,
intXType: ClockCrossingType = RationalCrossing(direction = Flexible)) extends DeviceAttachParams
We change the inXType from NoCrossing
to RationalCrossing(direction = Flexible)
, and the elaboration passes in the chipyard version we are using, but it fails in the newer version, complaining Error: No implicit clock.
as you said.
Chisel exception caught when instantiating intsource within DigitalTop at (generators/rocket-chip/src/main/scala/interrupts/Crossing.scala:29:31)
Chisel exception caught when instantiating system within ChipTop at (generators/chipyard/src/main/scala/ChipTop.scala:27:35)
[warn] generators/testchipip/src/main/scala/serdes/TLSerdes.scala 85:9: [W008] Return values of asTypeOf will soon be read-only
[warn] c <>
[warn] ^
[warn] There were 1 warning(s) during hardware elaboration.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at ... ()
at chipyard.stage.phases.PreElaboration.$anonfun$transform$1(PreElaboration.scala:35)
at chisel3.Module$.evaluate(Module.scala:88)
at chisel3.Module$.do_apply(Module.scala:35)
at chisel3.stage.phases.Elaborate.$anonfun$transform$2(Elaborate.scala:52)
at chisel3.internal.Builder$.$anonfun$buildImpl$1(Builder.scala:1042)
at scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:59)
at chisel3.internal.Builder$.buildImpl(Builder.scala:1032)
at chisel3.internal.Builder$.$anonfun$build$1(Builder.scala:1023)
at logger.Logger$.$anonfun$makeScope$4(Logger.scala:148)
at scala.util.DynamicVariable.withValue(DynamicVariable.scala:59)
at logger.Logger$.makeScope(Logger.scala:146)
at logger.Logger$.makeScope(Logger.scala:133)
at ... ()
at ... (Stack trace trimmed to user code only. Rerun with --full-stacktrace to see the full stack trace)
Caused by: chisel3.package$ChiselException: Error: No implicit clock.
at chisel3.internal.throwException$.apply(Error.scala:237)
at chisel3.internal.Builder$.$anonfun$forcedClock$1(Builder.scala:849)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201)
at chisel3.internal.Builder$.forcedClock(Builder.scala:849)
at chisel3.Module.$anonfun$initializeInParent$2(Module.scala:281)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201)
at chisel3.Module.$anonfun$initializeInParent$1(Module.scala:281)
at chisel3.Data.$anonfun$$colon$eq$1(Data.scala:762)
at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
at chisel3.experimental.prefix$.apply(prefix.scala:33)
at chisel3.Data.$colon$eq(Data.scala:762)
at chisel3.Module.initializeInParent(Module.scala:281)
at chisel3.Module$.do_apply(Module.scala:55)
at org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModuleImpLike.$anonfun$instantiate$14(LazyModuleImp.scala:71)
at chisel3.internal.plugin.package$.autoNameRecursively(package.scala:33)
at org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModuleImpLike.$anonfun$instantiate$13(LazyModuleImp.scala:70)
at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201)
at org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModuleImpLike.$anonfun$instantiate$1(LazyModuleImp.scala:68)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.flatMap(List.scala:293)
at org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModuleImpLike.instantiate(LazyModuleImp.scala:46)
at org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyModuleImpLike.instantiate$(LazyModuleImp.scala:43)
at org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyRawModuleImp.instantiate(LazyModuleImp.scala:149)
at org.chipsalliance.diplomacy.lazymodule.LazyRawModuleImp.$anonfun$x$6$1(LazyModuleImp.scala:168)
My understanding is If PBUS
is at different clock domain from the IBUS
(currently clocked by SBUS
), we have to specify corresponding intXType
instead of just using NoCrossing
, therefore in our case it's RationalCrossing
, can you confirm my understanding is right? If this scenario is not found before, it seems that you normally do not specify the intXType
explicitly? Therefore I wonder what your typical bus clock crossing scheme is? Is PBUS typically the same Clock Domain with SBUS
, or PBUS
can be at different clock domain but the intXType
should still be NoCrossing
? This seems not very robost.
Thanks Jerry, Really appreciated your reply. @jerryz123
Hello Community, My team is planing to tapout a chipyard based design, and we have a different Clock Scheme from the default chipyard design: domain1, CORE,SBUS,CBUS: 800MHZ** domain2, MBUS,L2Wrapper:400MHZ** domain3: PBUS,FBUS: 100MHZ.**** All these clock domains are rational crossed. They are phase aligned with each other. Therefore, taking UART as an example, interrupt initiated by uart(at PBUS) has to cross to IBUS(the same clock domain with SBUS), see code below:
There are two dangerous bugs in code above: 1,The domain crossing logic is applied twice, the
will be converted intoIntSyncRationalCrossingSink() :*=* IntSyncNameNode(name) :*=* scope { IntSyncNameNode(name) :*=* IntSyncCrossingSource(alreadyRegistered) } :*=* node
, whileibus.fromRational
also has domain crossing facilities:I don't really think this is the intended behavior, I think domain corssing stuff should only be applied once, that is the IntSource should be at
domain while theIntSink
should be atIBUS
domain. 2, The crossing domain collateral being applied twice make the Interrupt Domain crossing moderately dangerous, when applying the firstRationalCrossing
collateral(coming out ofPBUS
), theIntSyncAsyncCrossingSink
is neither at the domain ofPBUS
nor theIBUS
, it is atwhere
which is theBaseSubsystem
, aka theDigitalTop
, theModuleImp
, which mean there is no implicit clock and reset for thisDigitalTop
, therefore anonymous children ofDigitalTop
will not receiveclock
, this means theIntSyncAsyncCrossingSink
will not be approperly clocked. :Can anyone in the team confirm my understanding is right? If I am right, I wonder what's the typical domain crossing scehmes used by chipyard or rocketchip teams that has been tapout verified. The reason for choosing
at lower clock speed is that the device at PBUS is slow, therefore it's not very power effcient to make it 800MHZ(in our case). I also wonder if the rational crossing type has been used or tested at all? Any help will be appreciated, Thanks again, I am sorry to post issues recently and disrupt you guys. @jerryz123 @sequencer @tianrui-wei