chipsalliance / synlig

SystemVerilog support for Yosys
Apache License 2.0
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casting to a vector of a given width not working properly #2618

Open jeras opened 2 weeks ago

jeras commented 2 weeks ago

Using the git version of synlig. The sources and scripts to reproduce the problem are in the linked folder.

Seems synlig is not performing the casting of a single bit or an integer to a 16 bit vector. The issue can be seen in the generated proc.svg files.

In the single bit ena signal, the vector should be 16 bit, but is instead a single bit.

cnt <= cnt + WIDTH'(ena);

In the case of the integer 1, the vector should be 16 bit, but is instead 32 bit.

cnt <= cnt + WIDTH'(1);

Yosys built in SystemVerilog support is processing this correctly.

tgorochowik commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for the report!

jeras commented 1 week ago

I did not test this yet (or checked the Verilog standard), but if there was no casting to WIDTH in the RHS, than the signal ena and the decimal constant 1 should probably be cast to the LHS width (width of cnt).