chipsalliance / tac

CHIPS Alliance Technical Advisory Council
Apache License 2.0
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TAC Decision On Projects #148

Open bensternthal opened 6 months ago

bensternthal commented 6 months ago

This issue tracks the TAC formally deciding which projects are capital "P" projects and which are incubation projects.

Updated May 14, 2024

Project Current Status Proceed With LLC?
Caliptra Graduated Yes
F4PGA Graduated Yes - Merge into FPGA tools
FPGA Interchange format Graduated Yes - Merge into FPGA tools
FPGA tool perf Graduated Yes - Merge into FPGA tools
Intel Compiler for SystemC Graduated TBD - need contact/reach out
OmniXtend Graduated Yes - assuming active contributor/rep
OpenFASOC Graduated Yes
RISCV-DV Graduated TBD
RocketChip Graduated Yes
Surelog and UHDM Graduated Yes
SV tests Graduated Yes - merge into SV tools
Verible Graduated Yes - merge into SV tools
Chisel Sandbox Yes - move from sandbox to Graduated
Open source PDKs & Workgroup Sandbox No - keep in Sandbox for now
Veer Formation Yes
Synlig Formation Yes - merge into SV tools, waiting on PR
bensternthal commented 1 month ago

Updated based on TAC meeting

mgielda commented 1 month ago

Made some minor edits for clarity.