On the location of the closing };: The lowRISC style guide shows it in the last line in the example, but doesn't explicitly mention that. I opened https://github.com/lowRISC/style-guides/issues/39 to see if there's clear guidance from the style guide. (But let's keep this bug on the indentation for now.)
STR: Run
(https://github.com/lowRISC/ibex/blob/master/vendor/lowrisc_ip/prim/rtl/prim_keccak.sv) through verible formatter.Expected output, according to the lowRISC/ibex/opentitan style guide:
Actual output:
Actually, the https://github.com/lowRISC/style-guides/blob/master/VerilogCodingStyle.md#line-wrapping isn't very definite on this topic beyond the need for an indent. In line with what Verible typically produces, a four-space indent seems the most appropriate choice.
On the location of the closing
: The lowRISC style guide shows it in the last line in the example, but doesn't explicitly mention that. I opened https://github.com/lowRISC/style-guides/issues/39 to see if there's clear guidance from the style guide. (But let's keep this bug on the indentation for now.)