chipsenkbeil / distant

🚧 (Alpha stage software) Library and tooling that supports remote filesystem and process operations. 🚧
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[BUG] Cannot find known_hosts file if username has whitespace on windows #162

Open ysl2 opened 1 year ago

ysl2 commented 1 year ago

My known_hosts file locates in C:\Users\fa fa\.ssh\known_hosts. There is a whitespace on path (fa fa). I have modified your distant.nvim source code to fix this problem, so the distant.nvim plugin can work normally on my machine. But finally I traced that the plugin called the distant.exe package then the bug occured. I have no idea how to modify rust code format. Need help please :-) thanks a lot!

Click here to check git diff for distant.nvim

Bug occured below after running :DistantLaunch ssh://myname@example_host:22<CR>


chipsenkbeil commented 1 year ago

@ysl2 this is actually an issue with the ssh library we use, wezterm-ssh. You could try changing the backend from ssh2 to libssh and see if that fixes your problem. Otherwise we'd need a fix in wezterm-ssh! 😄

ysl2 commented 1 year ago

By the way: The distant.nvim plugin conflicts with jbgutierrez/vim-better-comments Beacuse of this code line: I removed the vim-better-comments plugin to solve this bug.

I solved this but with a llittle flaw. At first I noticed your distant executable file contains settings ssh.user_known_hosts_files and ssh.identity_files

I commented this line below, and directly inject a lua table contains settings into the command.connect() function on my nvim init.lua (and do the same thing in


Also I linked my C:\Users\fa fa\.ssh\ folder to C:\Users\Public\.ssh\

cd C:\Users\Public
mklink /D .ssh "C:\Users\fa fa\.ssh"

This is the minimal nvim init.lua config:

-- NOTE: An example of local variable `hosts` defined by myself, it contains hosts information.
-- local hosts = {
--   {
--     args = { 'ssh://user1@111.222.333.444:22' },
--     opts = {
--       options = {
--         -- ['ssh.backend'] = 'libssh', -- No need to specify this. Just for example.
--         ['ssh.user_known_hosts_files'] = 'C:\\Users\\Public\\.ssh\\known_hosts',
--         ['ssh.identity_files'] = 'C:\\Users\\Public\\.ssh\\id_rsa'
--       }
--     }
--   },
--   {
--     args = { 'ssh://user2@' },
--     opts = {} -- Or leave it empty on Linux.
--   }
-- }
function DistantConnect(idx)

function DistantOpen(path)
  require('distant.command').open({ args = { path }, opts = {} })

vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>dc', ':lua DistantConnect()<Left>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>do', ":lua DistantOpen('')<Left><Left>")

It can work now with flaw, beacuse I exposed my private .ssh folder to another public place (which path doesn't contains whitespaces).

I don't think this is an elegant way to solve the problem, but it really can work on windows, espacially when the path contains whitespace. I won't set a whitespace username next time if I have a new computer or after reinstalling windows system, beacuse it's too annoying.

chipsenkbeil commented 1 year ago

Hm, this could be an issue at some point when CLI arguments are passed around, but I'm not sure at what point in the codebase it happens. Will leave this as a bug to solve at some point for the distant binary, to be revisited when I have a little more time to dig in.

Thanks for the detailed report and glad you found a workaround for the time being!