chipweinberger / flutter_blue_plus

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, macOS
765 stars 462 forks source link

the Bluetooth automatically disconnects after 30 seconds #1039

Closed special521 closed 15 minutes ago

special521 commented 4 hours ago


Have you checked this problem on the example app?


FlutterBluePlus Version


Flutter Version


What OS?


OS Version

Android 14

Bluetooth Module


What is your problem?

setNotifyValue After subscription, if the device sends the data stream continuously, the data can be received normally, but after 30 seconds, the Bluetooth connection will be automatically disconnected, and the debugging will be done using the official flutter_blue_plus example, if the device does not automatically transmit the data stream after subscription, Then the Bluetooth will not automatically disconnect, the official example has such a bug, how to solve it


Flutter assets will be downloaded from Make sure you trust this source!
Launching lib\main.dart on V2199A in debug mode...
Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'...
Flutter assets will be downloaded from Make sure you trust this source!
√ Built build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk
Installing build\app\outputs\flutter-apk\app-debug.apk...
I/flutter (17103): The Dart VM service is listening on ************************************
I/flutter (17687): The Dart VM service is listening on ************************************
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setLogLevel> args: 5
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setLogLevel> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getAdapterState> args: null
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getAdapterState> result: {adapter_state: 4}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getSystemDevices> args: {with_services: [180f]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <getSystemDevices> result: {devices: []}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <startScan> args: {with_services: [], with_remote_ids: [], with_names: [], with_keywords: [], with_msd: [], with_service_data: [], continuous_updates: false, continuous_divisor: 1, android_legacy: false, android_scan_mode: 2, android_uses_fine_location: false}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <startScan> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -63, manufacturer_data: {6: 010920025b2c6ae6ad86375ff00e36bedb9a30f2ea7d7a4312db5e}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -66, manufacturer_data: {6: 01092002d94e277239a4d5635eedcfc783c21330124ef8a97cd647}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -79, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {17224: 2d30380000000000000000000000000000000000}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: IOT-08, service_data: {}, adv_name: IOT-08
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -86, manufacturer_data: {6: 010920025616db45326ef5b1613693a746cdbfc30db94c709c9a55}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -63, manufacturer_data: {6: 01092002264b54e1b2ca7a8b53104be947e041f2ed5edbe15fec41}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -66, manufacturer_data: {2103: 20b10180304944901c4445533635303d71c42d3133323030340000}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -70, manufacturer_data: {6: 0109200228af1c2c9721cb1748bc06694e95f5006cc853229c346e}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -75, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {2103: 834034363064313540000769514f203131033d71c42d0000c0a864644f000000000000000000}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -103, manufacturer_data: {117: 4204012066200d000205200104000100000000000000000042040180667c0a3f751fa57e0a3f751fa401560000000000}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: [Monitor] Samsung M7 (32), service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -86, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {0: 606e415285c1}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: SFH_303Q_85C1, service_data: {}, adv_name: SFH_303Q_85C1, service_uuids: [fee7]}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -79, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {0: 001581d86695}, remote_id: *****************, platform_name: BTP-P33, service_data: {}, adv_name: BTP-P33, service_uuids: [49535343-fe7d-4ae5-8fa9-9fafd205e455]}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -93, manufacturer_data: {6: 01092002f2978cb505b472f4c8a784e7645323c2eff8ee404e92c6}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -94, manufacturer_data: {76: 12020003}, remote_id: *****************, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnScanResponse ]] result: {advertisements: [{rssi: -90, connectable: 1, manufacturer_data: {76: 1005361c95d950}, remote_id: *****************, tx_power_level: 12, service_data: {}}]}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <stopScan> args: null
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <stopScan> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <connect> args: {remote_id: *****************, auto_connect: 0}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <connect> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnConnectionStateChanged ]] result: {disconnect_reason_code: 0, disconnect_reason_string: SUCCESS, remote_id: *****************, connection_state: 1}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.connected
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readRssi> args: *****************
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readRssi> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnReadRssi ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, rssi: -70, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <discoverServices> args: *****************
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <discoverServices> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnDiscoveredServices ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, services: [{included_services: [], characteristics: [{descriptors: [], service_uuid: 1800, remote_id: *****************, characteristic_uuid: 2a00, properties: {broadcast: 0, write_without_response: 0, notify_encryption_required: 0, read: 1, authenticated_signed_writes: 0, extended_properties: 0, indicate: 0, indicate_encryption_required: 0, write: 0, notify: 0}}, {descriptors: [], service_uuid: 1800, remote_id: *****************, characteristic_uuid: 2a01, properties: {broadcast: 0, write_without_response: 0, notify_encryption_required: 0, read: 1, authenticated_signed_writes: 0, extended_properties: 0, indicate: 0, indicate_encryption_required: 0, write: 0, notify: 0}}], service_uuid: 1800, is_primary: 1, remote_id: *****************}, {included_services: [], characteristics: [{descriptors: [{service_uuid: 1801, remote_id: *****************, descriptor_uuid: 2902,
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> args: {remote_id: *****************, service_uuid: 1801, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: 2a05, force_indications: false, enable: true}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnDescriptorWritten ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: 1801, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, descriptor_uuid: 2902, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: 2a05, value: 0200}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> args: {remote_id: *****************, service_uuid: fff2, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: fff3, force_indications: false, enable: true}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <setNotifyValue> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnDescriptorWritten ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, descriptor_uuid: 2902, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 0100}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readCharacteristic> args: {remote_id: *****************, service_uuid: fff2, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: fff3}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] <readCharacteristic> result: true
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: ac051d000000f0000000ef3c**************00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: fff2, success: 1, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 01bd}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_ERROR, service_uuid: fff2, success: 0, remote_id: *****************, error_code: 133, characteristic_uuid: fff3, value: 00}
I/flutter (17687): [FBP] [[ OnConnectionStateChanged ]] result: {disconnect_reason_code: 22, disconnect_reason_string: CONNECTION_TERMINATED_BY_LOCAL_HOST, remote_id: *****************, connection_state: 0}
I/flutter (17687): 连接状态BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected
special521 commented 4 hours ago

AAA Click subscribe data stream uninterrupted transmission, Bluetooth automatically disconnects after 30 seconds

chipweinberger commented 15 minutes ago


FBP cannot fix it