chipweinberger / flutter_blue_plus

Flutter plugin for connecting and communicationg with Bluetooth Low Energy devices, on Android, iOS, macOS
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[Help]: Can't see any Bluetooth iBeacon devices when scanning on iOS. #491

Closed spehj closed 1 year ago

spehj commented 1 year ago

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I wrote a flutter app to scan for Bluetooth beacons. The Android app works fine, it finds nearby Beacons (I'm testing it with Estimote's iBeacons). But when using iOS, the results are quite different. The ScanResult object from Flutter Blue Plus contains different data for the same devices on iOS and Android. Some devices are not even shown on iOS.

This is how a SearchResult looks like on Android:

ScanResult{device: BluetoothDevice{remoteId: DC:10:E7:49:A3:A3, localName: , type: BluetoothDeviceType.le, isDiscoveringServices: false, services: null}, advertisementData: AdvertisementData{localName: , txPowerLevel: null, connectable: false, manufacturerData: {76: [2, 21, 185, 64, 127, 48, 245, 248, 70, 110, 175, 249, 37, 85, 107, 87, 254, 109, 206, 253, 111, 201, 193]}, serviceData: {}, serviceUuids: []}, rssi: -70, timeStamp: 2023-08-10 10:42:48.277310connectionState: BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected}

And this is how the SearchResult looks like on iOS:

ScanResult{device: BluetoothDevice{remoteId: E8523648-E08D-1229-60C5-CE248446465F, localName: Seos, type: BluetoothDeviceType.le, isDiscoveringServices: false, services: null}, advertisementData: AdvertisementData{localName: Seos, txPowerLevel: 0, connectable: true, manufacturerData: {302: [21, 74, 211, 182, 0, 182, 42, 70, 76, 48, 78, 48, 86, 48, 49, 70, 78]}, serviceData: {}, serviceUuids: [00009800-0000-1000-8000-00177A000002]}, rssi: -90, timeStamp: 2023-08-10 10:39:47.177018connectionState: BluetoothConnectionState.disconnected}

Here is one way to get only iBeacons from all BLE devices nearby.

SearchBeacon? convertAdvertisementDataToiBeaconData(ScanResult scanResult) {
  // Key for iBeacon (Estimote) is 76 in decimal
  // Add other keys if necessary
  if (scanResult.advertisementData.manufacturerData.containsKey(Constants.iBeaconKey) &&
      scanResult.advertisementData.manufacturerData[Constants.iBeaconKey]!.length == Constants.iBeaconDataLength &&
      scanResult.advertisementData.manufacturerData[Constants.iBeaconKey]![0] == 2 && // 2 here is type of iBeacon
      scanResult.advertisementData.manufacturerData[Constants.iBeaconKey]![1] == 21) {
    // 21 here is length of iBeacon data without type and lentgh bytes (iBeaconDataLength -2)
    return SearchBeacon.fromScanResult(scanResult, Constants.iBeaconKey);
  } else {
    return null;

I found out that you can't get MAC addresses on iOS, but how about other data like UUIDs, Major, and Minor? Does anyone else work with Flutter Blue or Flutter Blue Plus and iBeacons? I would like to discuss the iOS part.


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chipweinberger commented 1 year ago

let m know if you figure it out / if there is a bug

chipweinberger commented 1 year ago

seems a common problem:

spehj commented 1 year ago

I did some more research and it looks like we'll need to use some other library to scan for iBeacons with iOS devices.

chipweinberger commented 1 year ago

Yes looks like iOS requires using CoreLocation

chipweinberger commented 1 year ago

I've updated the README with this limitation.