Closed elliotPopina closed 11 months ago
D/[FBP-Android]( 6818): [FBP] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
D/BluetoothDevice( 6818): mAddress: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9
I/chatty ( 6818): uid=10156( identical 4 lines
D/BluetoothDevice( 6818): mAddress: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9
D/[FBP-Android]( 6818): [FBP] onCharacteristicRead: ff02 status: 2
this is weird. you do a write, but the device sends a read instead
seems like your device has bugs
Hi @chipweinberger i will try with the example app this this morning, We will surely see the logs better there
Hi have the same log with the example app :
I/flutter ( 8500): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> args: {remote_id: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9, service_uuid: ff00, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: ff02, write_type: 1, allow_long_write: 0, value: 2296946e}
D/[FBP-Android]( 8500): [FBP] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
D/BluetoothDevice( 8500): mAddress: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9
I/chatty ( 8500): uid=10157(com.lib.flutter_blue_plus_example) identical 4 lines
D/BluetoothDevice( 8500): mAddress: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9
I/flutter ( 8500): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> result: true
I/flutter ( 8500): [FBP] <getAdapterState> args: null
D/[FBP-Android]( 8500): [FBP] onMethodCall: getAdapterState
D/BluetoothDevice( 8500): mAddress: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9
D/[FBP-Android]( 8500): [FBP] onCharacteristicRead: ff02 status: 2
D/BluetoothDevice( 8500): mAddress: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9
I/flutter ( 8500): [FBP] <getAdapterState> result: {adapter_state: 4}
I/flutter ( 8500): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicReceived ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: ff00, success: 1, remote_id: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: ff02, value: 2296946e}
I think your right, the device has a bug, i will try with another device with Android 9
This is the response from another device (same constructor) and same Android version :
I/flutter ( 4488): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> args: {remote_id: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9, service_uuid: ff00, secondary_service_uuid: null, characteristic_uuid: ff02, write_type: 1, allow_long_write: 0, value: e3db504d}
D/[FBP-Android]( 4488): [FBP] onMethodCall: writeCharacteristic
D/[FBP-Android]( 4488): [FBP] onCharacteristicWrite: ff02 status: 0
I/flutter ( 4488): [FBP] <writeCharacteristic> result: true
I/flutter ( 4488): [FBP] <getAdapterState> args: null
D/[FBP-Android]( 4488): [FBP] onMethodCall: getAdapterState
I/flutter ( 4488): [FBP] [[ OnCharacteristicWritten ]] result: {error_string: GATT_SUCCESS, service_uuid: ff00, success: 1, remote_id: 04:7F:0E:98:90:D9, error_code: 0, characteristic_uuid: ff02, value: e3db504d}
I/flutter ( 4488): [FBP] <getAdapterState> result: {adapter_state: 4}
Everything is fine with this one, the first device does have a problem. Thanks for your help :)
D/FBP-Android: [FBP] onCharacteristicRead: ff02 status: 2
status: 2
maybe relevant, but still doesn't make sense
closing due to inactivity. This seems like a problem with your ble device.
Have you checked this problem on the example app?
FlutterBluePlus Version
Flutter Version
What OS?
OS Version
9 (api 28)
Bluetooth Module
i don't know
What is your problem?
On Android 9 write Characteristics always throw a timeout error
I have tried my code with Android 12, and i have no error. I have try to set the write timeout to 20, 30, 100 and after 100 secondes the same error is throw
I will check tomorrow if i have the same error with the example app and update the issue