Closed MertSaygili closed 11 months ago
it's probably bluetooth classic and not ble
Raspberry pi zero 2 supports ble.
can you find it using other scanner apps?
I tried using another BLE scanner app (app). Initially, I couldn't detect the Raspberry Pi. Subsequently, I installed BlueZ on the Raspberry Pi and followed the commands outlined in this article. Now, I can successfully identify the Raspberry Pi device using the scanDevice() function. However, there is something that I did not understand in the article:
When prompted if this should be the primary service, say yes.
Then create our characteristics:
[bluetooth]# register-characteristic 0x1234 read
Enter the initial value you want for that characteristic:
[bluetooth]# register-characteristic 0x4567 read,write
What should I write as the initial value for the 'read' characteristic? Additionally, how can I enable the read, write, and notify features on the Raspberry Pi?"
Thanks for your fast response :)
I'm not familiar with BlueZ, sorry I cannot help!
I think you can set it to anything you want.
Have you checked this problem on the example app?
FlutterBluePlus Version
Flutter Version
What OS?
OS Version
Bluetooth Module
Rasperry Pi Zero 2
What is your problem?
After startScan() function i cannot find rasperry pi zero 2 device. But i can find other devices. I can see raspberry device on my android bluetooth settings but still I cannot find with startScan() flutter blue plus function. I can share my code if needed.