[X] I've looked at the README 'Common Problems' section
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Android 9 and up
Bluetooth Module
What is your problem?
I have a question on what's the best way to handle scanning for a specific device. Let's say I wan't to connect to a device x, and every time I turn on my app I scan for said device. If it's not found, I should scan again. However, I am not quite handling the "If it's not found" part well.
My current code looks something like this:
Future<void> bluetoothLowEnergyScan(BuildContext context) async {
// First I verify if adpater is on and permissions are given, not shown here
// Create a timeout timer
Timer _t = Timer(
Duration(seconds: 120),
() {
if (bleDiscStreamSubscription != null) {
// Check if device is already paired
var bondedDevices = await FlutterBluePlus.bondedDevices;
// Creates a default device used when device is not paired
var defaultdesiredDevice =
BluetoothDevice(remoteId: DeviceIdentifier("00:00:00:00:00:00"));
// Fetches desired device
var desiredDevice = bondedDevices.firstWhere(
(device) =>
device.advName == 'DesiredDevice' || device.platformName == 'DesiredDevice',
orElse: () => defaultdesiredDevice);
// If the returned device is not the default
if (desiredDevice.remoteId.str != "00:00:00:00:00:00" && !_bondedAttempted) {
try {
await _connectBluetoothLowEnergy(desiredDevice, context);
} catch (e) {
_bondedAttempted = true;
log("[bluetoothLowEnergyScan] Error: $e");
} else {
// Scans for the desired device
bleDiscStreamSubscription = FlutterBluePlus.onScanResults.listen(
(results) async {
if (results.isNotEmpty) {
ScanResult r = results.last;
// If the device is found, cancel the timer and stop scanning
if (r.advertisementData.advName == 'desiredDevice' ||
r.device.platformName == 'desiredDevice') {
log('[bluetoothLowEnergyScan] desiredDevice found!');
await _connectdesiredDeviceBluetoothLowEnergy(r.device, context);
} else {
log('[bluetoothLowEnergyScan] ${r.device.remoteId}: "${r.device.advName}" found!');
onError: (e) => log('[bluetoothLowEnergyScan] Error: $e'),
await FlutterBluePlus.startScan(
timeout: const Duration(seconds: 120),
continuousUpdates: false,
continuousDivisor: 1,
However, I do not believe this is the best approach. What would be the "proper" way to achieve this?
Have you checked this problem on the example app?
FlutterBluePlus Version
Flutter Version
What OS?
OS Version
Android 9 and up
Bluetooth Module
What is your problem?
I have a question on what's the best way to handle scanning for a specific device. Let's say I wan't to connect to a device x, and every time I turn on my app I scan for said device. If it's not found, I should scan again. However, I am not quite handling the "If it's not found" part well.
My current code looks something like this:
However, I do not believe this is the best approach. What would be the "proper" way to achieve this?
Thanks for the library and for your time.