chipweinberger / flutter_pcm_sound

A flutter plugin for playing raw PCM audio data (16-bit integer)
10 stars 6 forks source link

real-time explained #6

Closed jtkeyva closed 4 months ago

jtkeyva commented 5 months ago

is the purpose of this to playback audio with low latency? someone was asking and i found soundpool. what's the difference? thanks

chipweinberger commented 5 months ago

yes low latency.

never used soundpool

chipweinberger commented 5 months ago

soundpool is for playing audio files, i.e. mp3, m4a, etc. The audio files are pre-generated and stored as flutter assets.

flutter_pcm_sound is for music apps that generate audio in realtime a few milliseconds before you hear it.

jtkeyva commented 5 months ago
