chiraag-kakar / sharenlearn

A Common File/Resource Sharing Platform for Students & Faculties built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, & Django.
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[Gssoc'21] 404 Error Page not Found #208

Closed arpit456jain closed 3 years ago

arpit456jain commented 3 years ago

Currently when user try to go any page which is not present it shows

404 before

Even if I changed debug to False it shows


That Means There is no code to handle 404 error and there is no 404 page

I would like to add the code and 404 page

arpit456jain commented 3 years ago

@harshita2216 when I change debug to False the home page is not loading it shows server error 500 .

I don't understand why it is happening do have any idea.

Because in all the project i added 404 handler their home page is loading

arpit456jain commented 3 years ago

I just run python collectstatic interminal and now its working but it creates a lots of files which i can not commit that's why i discard my changes .

Conclusion : app is working fine just when debug is False it is not loading Css which causes 500 error it will be solved by running python collectstatic when hosted

I just need your permission to add 404 handler code