chiragn888 / ttr
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j1 #1

Open chiragn888 opened 3 months ago

chiragn888 commented 3 months ago

create a modern and minimalistic web page layout commonly used for online platforms that focus on tech jobs or similar professional services. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its features, which you can use to recreate a similar webpage:

Layout and Structure

  1. Header Section:

    • Logo: Placed on the top left corner, simple graphic logo.
    • Navigation Bar: Horizontally aligned beside the logo includes links to "JOBS," "TRENDING," and a dropdown "MORE." Far right has "Hire on TrueUp", "Log in", and a "Join now" button styled in a solid color.
  2. Main Content Area:

    • Central Tagline: Bold, large text, "Don’t miss your dream tech job", centered in the upper middle part of the screen.
    • Supportive Text: Right below the tagline, smaller and less bold font, explaining the value proposition of the service.
    • Call-to-Action Button: Prominently displayed below the supportive text, styled with a contrast color, labeled "JOIN NOW".
    • Secondary Action Link: Positioned directly under the primary call-to-action, less emphasized.
  3. Floating Graphics/Icons:

    • Background faint icons/logos of various tech companies (like NVIDIA, YouTube, Apple, Epic Games, and others) spread across the webpage suggesting partnerships or coverage.

UI Components

Other Design Elements

General Aesthetic

The design leverages plenty of white space to foster an open, minimalistic feel, typical of modern tech-oriented sites. This helps in focusing user's attention primarily on the CTA and main value statement.

Suggestions for Replicating

This detailed description should help in creating a similarly styled and functional web page.

testbot-codemonk[bot] commented 3 months ago

Resolving the issue ⏳

testbot-codemonk[bot] commented 3 months ago

Issue is Resolved 🚀
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