chiragn888 / ttr
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user profile #23

Open chiragn888 opened 5 months ago

chiragn888 commented 5 months ago

modify the user profile page as below,

Frontend Design Details:

Layout and Styling: Grid Layout: Utilize a responsive grid layout system (e.g., Bootstrap Grid or CSS Grid) to ensure consistent alignment and spacing of page elements across different screen sizes. Typography: Select legible and visually appealing font families for text elements, headings, and form fields. Utilize appropriate font sizes and line heights for optimal readability. Color Scheme: Choose a harmonious color palette consistent with our brand identity. Employ contrasting colors for text and background elements to enhance readability. Utilize color psychology principles to evoke desired emotions and convey trustworthiness. Whitespace: Use whitespace generously to create breathing room between elements and improve visual hierarchy. Employ padding and margins effectively to enhance content clarity and user focus. Icons and Graphics: Incorporate relevant icons and graphics to enhance visual interest and aid in user comprehension. Utilize scalable vector graphics (SVG) or icon fonts for crisp and scalable imagery.

Form Details:

Personal Information:

  1. Full Name:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your full name"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only
  2. Email Address:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your email address"
    • Validation: Required field, validates email format (e.g., "")
  3. Phone Number:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your phone number"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts numeric characters only, with optional formatting (e.g., "123-456-7890")

Address Information:

  1. Address Line 1:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your address"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphanumeric characters and special characters
  2. Address Line 2 (Optional):

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter additional address details"
    • Validation: Accepts alphanumeric characters and special characters
  3. City:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your city"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphabetic characters and spaces only
  4. State/Province:

    • Input Field: Dropdown menu or select input
    • Options: List of states/provinces relevant to the user's country
    • Validation: Required field, user must select a valid option from the dropdown
  5. Postal/ZIP Code:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your postal or ZIP code"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphanumeric characters and spaces only, with optional formatting (e.g., "12345" or "AB12 3CD")

Employment History:

  1. Current Job Title:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your current job title"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphanumeric characters and spaces only
  2. Company Name:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your current company name"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphanumeric characters and spaces only
  3. Years of Experience:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input or dropdown menu
    • Placeholder (if input field): "Enter your years of experience"
    • Options (if dropdown menu): List of predefined experience ranges (e.g., "Less than 1 year", "1-3 years", "3-5 years", etc.)
    • Validation: Required field, user must enter a valid number representing their years of experience


  1. Highest Degree Attained:

    • Input Field: Dropdown menu or select input
    • Options: List of degrees (e.g., "High School Diploma", "Bachelor's Degree", "Master's Degree", "PhD", etc.)
    • Validation: Required field, user must select a valid option from the dropdown
  2. Institution Name:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your institution name"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphanumeric characters and spaces only
  3. Field of Study:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your field of study"
    • Validation: Required field, accepts alphanumeric characters and spaces only


  1. Technical Skills:

    • Input Field: Multi-line text input or tag input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your technical skills (e.g., programming languages, software tools)"
    • Validation: Optional field, user can enter a list of skills separated by commas or select from predefined tags
  2. Soft Skills:

    • Input Field: Multi-line text input or tag input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your soft skills (e.g., communication, teamwork, problem-solving)"
    • Validation: Optional field, user can enter a list of skills separated by commas or select from predefined tags


  1. Preferred Job Location:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your preferred job location(s)"
    • Validation: Optional field, user can enter one or multiple locations separated by commas
  2. Preferred Industry:

    • Input Field: Dropdown menu or select input
    • Options: List of industries (e.g., "Information Technology", "Finance", "Healthcare", etc.)
    • Validation: Optional field, user can select one or multiple preferred industries from the dropdown
  3. Salary Expectation:

    • Input Field: Single-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your salary expectation"
    • Validation: Optional field, user can enter their expected salary range or specific amount

Additional Information:

  1. Cover Letter:

    • Input Field: Multi-line text input
    • Placeholder: "Enter your cover letter (optional)"
    • Validation: Optional field, user can provide additional information or context
  2. Resume/CV Upload:

    • Input Field: File upload input
    • Placeholder: "Upload your resume/CV (PDF or Word document)"
    • Validation: Required field, user must upload a valid file format (PDF or Word document)


  1. Submit Button:
    • Button Text: "Submit" or "Create Profile"
    • Functionality: Initiates the submission of the user's details and progresses to the next step in the process
    • Disabled State: Button is disabled until all required fields are completed and validated


codeshwar-preview[bot] commented 5 months ago

Resolving the issue ⏳

codeshwar-preview[bot] commented 5 months ago

Issue is Resolved 🚀
Pull Request Created at: