chirantanbanik / Wellread

A blogging application for creative people to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas.
MIT License
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🐞[Bug]: Dimensions of the Pages are not quite compatible to all screen devices #137

Closed codercake closed 1 week ago

codercake commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Describe the bug

The web app fails to adapt to small-screen devices, leading to usability issues where elements may be cut off or inaccessible.

Expected behavior

The web app should dynamically adjust its layout and functionality to ensure smooth usability on small-screen devices.

Add ScreenShots

Screenshot 2024-06-11 193421

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Chrome, Microsoft Edge


github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @codercake! 🎉 Thank you for opening an issue. @chirantanbanik will get back to you soon. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

We will promptly review your changes and offer feedback. Keep up the excellent work! Kindly remember to check our contributing guidelines