chirantanbanik / Wellread

A blogging application for creative people to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas.
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💡Re-Designed "Scroll-to-Top" Button and "Style Vertical Scroll-bar" Matching to Website Design Theme #163

Open MastanSayyad opened 1 week ago

MastanSayyad commented 1 week ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Feature Description

Hey @chirantanbanik

The scroll to top button looks little inconsistent due its size and inconsistent design theme

I would like to fix it and redesign the scroll to top button using react styled-components (FaArrowUp) with smooth hover matching the website design theme to look it more attractive and eye catching.

Use Case

Provides User satisfaction and increased user experience.


No response

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Additionally, I would like to style the vertical scroll bar to the website design theme





github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hello @MastanSayyad! 🎉 Thank you for opening an issue. @chirantanbanik will get back to you soon. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

We will promptly review your changes and offer feedback. Keep up the excellent work! Kindly remember to check our contributing guidelines

Dhanush-4554 commented 1 week ago

Good Evening @chirantanbanik Sir,

I am interested in working on this issue. Could you please consider assigning it to me? Thank you for your consideration.

Best regards,
Dhanush B

MastanSayyad commented 6 days ago

@chirantanbanik you forgot to assign me this issue and add gssoc labels