chirantanbanik / Wellread

A blogging application for creative people to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas.
MIT License
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💡[Feature]: Adding a custom 404 page for the application #182

Open AMS003010 opened 1 week ago

AMS003010 commented 1 week ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Feature Description

I propose to adding a custom and enhanced 404 page

We could make it more user friendly by having an engaging headline like "Lost in Transit?", "Oops, it looks like you took a wrong turn!". We could a simple but fitting vector image as the 404 image. We could also add features like

Use Case

It would be great to add a modern design to the 404 page which matches the theme of the website. So in case the user gets lost due to the wrong URL then they can always return the Home page.


Adding a custom enhanced 404 page would greatly improve user experience

Add ScreenShots





github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hello @AMS003010! 🎉 Thank you for opening an issue. @chirantanbanik will get back to you soon. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

We will promptly review your changes and offer feedback. Keep up the excellent work! Kindly remember to check our contributing guidelines

AMS003010 commented 4 days ago

@chirantanbanik Please do assign me this issue under gssoc'24