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cook county property tax data -- web scraping to plots example, possible comparison #19

Open eddelbuettel opened 4 years ago

eddelbuettel commented 4 years ago

A while back I came across Tanya Schlusser's rather nice

about property taxes in Cook County. (Bonus is that her examples are one minor municaplity over from my home one on the near western 'burbs.) I tried to dress that up somewhat in R so that it could serve as a possible basis for student projects in the U of I class I teach but nobody ended up taking it. My repo is here.

I still think there would be great value in something simple-enough-yet-not-too-simple to show parallel approaches side by side: python with pandas, python without pandas, r using base, r using tidy tools, r using data.table, ... so that people could run / modify whichever ones they'd prefer.

This could be a starting point for that, or just be a neat exploration into local data.

emilyriederer commented 4 years ago

Nice! I love the idea of creating a 'Rosetta stone' of a full analysis completed in many different languages / dialects. What do you think would be the best final format for that? (e.g. GitHub repo? web app to make compariosn of syntax easier? something else?)

eddelbuettel commented 4 years ago

Thanks. As for 'best presentation format', I have no good idea either. Side-by-side is nice, but unwieldy with more than two. Maybe a selection from several options to pick two displayed ones?

maurolepore commented 4 years ago

I would love to have such reference as a guideline to safely remove a tidy package when needed, so my selfish vote would be to focus on tidy versus base and on patterns that are common in the tidyverse (e.g.

eddelbuettel commented 4 years ago

Have you seen this and this ?

zaynaib commented 4 years ago

It reminds of those cheat sheets from RStudio base R

zaynaib commented 4 years ago

@eddelbuettel It might be worth your while if you check out Rosetta Code It's a website that shows how to solve algorithms using different languages. R and Python some of the languages that are included. This could be a base for your project.