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Support Critic Markup highting in RStudio #3

Open emilyriederer opened 4 years ago

emilyriederer commented 4 years ago

@noamross had the excellent idea of supporting CriticMarkup highlighting in RStudio. This works nicely with his redoc R package and, more broadly, would incent use of a useful, standardized syntax for reviewing .Rmd.

Noam has already done a lot of the hard work here (see this PR). We can support bringing this to the finish line by identifying optimal highlighting colors for the dark / light RStudio built-in themes and implementing these colors in the RStudio IDE code (where we benefit from good code examples from Noam.)

noamross commented 4 years ago

Thanks Emily! It would be awesome to get some help getting this finished and I'll try to participate remotely to chip in.

noamross commented 4 years ago

Possible addition would be to PR CriticMarkup support into the color-blind friendly themes at