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develop vignettes for {ctar} #8

Open willdebras opened 4 years ago

willdebras commented 4 years ago

My personal baby {ctar} is a package to query train data from the Chicago Transit Authority's APIs. It is a pretty simple package, but has a lot added in in terms of shape files and datasets of train and bus routes, stop locations, and things like that. A lot of this isn't documented and I would love to flesh out vignettes for these features, showcasing the plotting of shapefiles in {ggplot2}, calculating routes with {ggmap}, and more. This could be a good task for a couple people interested in dataviz.

emilyriederer commented 4 years ago

Excited to know this package exists! Sounds like a great project to explore something pretty near and dear (well, at least near...) to all of us. Just a few questions:

willdebras commented 4 years ago

I'm thinking the following:

I'd have to take a look at other packages to know if there are good things to mirror, but have no real preference on length. I'll think about this in the next couple days. Posting here is definitely fine to confirm proposed vignettes. :)