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Proposal for alliance #157

Open gurezo opened 7 years ago

gurezo commented 7 years ago

slackでもポストした、Alfonso Hernandezさんという「Astian Foundation」の代表?から メールを頂いたので、issue を立てます。 次回のマンスリーミティングで、議論したいと思います。

i had posted at slack, about i had caught mail from Mr.Alfonso Hernandez, Astian Foundation. i posted issue. i will hope to discuss at next Monthly meeting.


My name is Alfonso Hernandez representative of the Astian Foundation, we are an organization dedicated to the development of free software and technologies. From this we have made a fork of the Firefox OS project since the Mozilla Foundation stopped its development, this is fork called Astian OS. We want to continue with the project by applying new improvements and extending support for different platforms.

We know that Chirimen wants to orient and develop the same to apply it to its devices or other generic devices and therefore this proposal.

To join forces and resources to continue the development of a new operating system.

Thank you for your attention.

Stay tuned

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Skype: Ponchale
ghost commented 7 years ago

When would the next meeting be?

gurezo commented 7 years ago

Hi! @Poncho09. i was adjusting next month meeting day. I'll close attendance or absence with 11/30 Wednesday PM 23:00.

just a moment please.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Good morning.


I speak to know what the result of the meeting was and to know how they saw our proposal.


gurezo commented 7 years ago

Hi! @Poncho09. Next Mnothly meeting date is 2016.12.13 19:30~ at japan timezone. Please Waitng for Meeting after.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@gurezo ok. That is November 30 as the above advertising

gurezo commented 7 years ago

Hi! @Poncho09 I apologize to you. because today, we didn't meeting. meeting date was rescheduled at 2016.12.21 19:30~

Please Waitng for Meeting after.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Hi @gurezo I forget to offer excuses, I also thought that the meeting was internal, that was determined at the meeting or deferred again?. @gurezo On the other hand it is possible to choose another platform for the meeting or for the assistance, not my Japanese understanding is terrible, I do not understand anything

gurezo commented 7 years ago

Hi @Poncho09 A Happy New Year!

CHIRIMEN Open Hardware Community Opinions are this links.

not my Japanese understanding is terrible, I do not understand anything i'm sorry. It can't be settled immediately, so a long time use Google translation, please.

and more, other member make #162 (Internationalization of GitHub and Slack). thank you.

gurezo commented 7 years ago

i had already answered, closing issue. when i'll recieve response, reopen.

ghost commented 7 years ago

@gurezo Hi how are you, we We remain interested In establishing an alliance or partnership between both organizations. Unfortunately we have not agreed on a meeting for the time difference and the dates of the meetings that are very extensive.

A hug.

ghost commented 7 years ago

We being a fork of firefox OS we keep the original idea, which is to conserve and maintain gecko without implementing Android, we also develop free and open source software with multiple orientations. Among them IoT WoT, artificial intelligence among others. We want to establish a partnership with Chirimen to improve and develop a better operating system. We also want to develop a desktop operating system based on Devuan with support for webapps applications and with the power of convergence between both systems. We are very interested and with great enthusiasm to work with chirimen. Thank you