chirpstack / chirpstack-gateway-bridge

ChirpStack Gateway Bridge abstracts Packet Forwarder protocols into Protobuf or JSON over MQTT.
MIT License
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Dragino LPS8 gateway support #174

Closed aalbinati closed 1 year ago

aalbinati commented 3 years ago


As the Dragino LPS8 gateway is becoming increasingly popular over the last months. It would be nice to have a package built for it. It shouldn't be so different from the LG308 package since both use the same architecture (AR9331 24K MIPS / Linux). The main difference being that the LG308 uses a SX1301 chip and the LPS8 uses a SX1308 chip.

Can you implement this by yourself and make a pull request?

I don't know how to tweak the LG308 package to make it LPS8 compatible but I can actively help in testing the functionality since I already have several devices and a running Chirpstack Server stack.

Dragino gateways comparison

LPS8 Datasheet

LPS8 source code


paolofrs commented 3 years ago

Hi, I use LPS8 with ChirpStack Gateway installed on it (used this procedure for LG308).. So far everything is ok! I use MQTT over TLS to forward packets from gateway to network server.

As you said, the only difference is in the (let's call it so) Network Interface Controller. I believe that both the NICs' drivers exposes the same functionalities to the OS and the package is built for the same release of OWRT (since target is the same). Thus, from the point of view of the gateway app there is no hardware difference and it works on both devices.

What do you think?

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

I'm glad you could get it to run! I also tried installing it using the link you mentioned to but couldn't get the gateway-bridge to behave correctly. That was the reason I created this issue in the first place.

In the coming days I will be trying again and commenting here what is the error being reported by the package if it raises any.

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Hi @paolofrs, I am trying to get the gatway bridge to run in the LPS8 but the TCP packets never reach the server. Have you managed to get the process to log its information? I don't know how to see it.

paolofrs commented 3 years ago

Hi @aalbinati, I am sorry it does not work for you. Let's see... have you followed all the installation steps correctly (i.e. download in separate folder like /tmp then remove opkg)? Did you set up the packet forwarder correctly (via the dragino gui available @ http://lps8_ip:8000)? Which version of Dragino OS are you using? If u are on the last you should see the gw app's log output on web console log (under the system tab i guess). Just enable "all" logs. If you connect via ssh you can use logread

paolofrs commented 3 years ago

I assume you have already tested the connection to the server from the lps8's lan, no "un-ruled" firewalls in between and all ports opened (1883 for mqtt and 8883 for mqtts)...

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Hi @paolofrs , I don't seem to find any setting where I can change the logging level to "all". Even logread via ssh doesn't seem to log the chirpstack gateway app. I am using version lgw-5.4.1599149041 which was released a few days ago.

I will check if the dargino firewall has the ports closed for MQTT but that still doesn't explain why I am not seeing any logs.

The service seems to start and stop correctly.

Any guess why these could be happening or where I can enable the logs for the service? Thanks!

paolofrs commented 3 years ago

The thing I am stuck with is this issue. But when the connection is stable the gw app on lps8 run smoothly (more or less... i ve noticed some messages to get not ack by the gw to the server while they were sent to end node instead)

ivanmolenaar commented 3 years ago

Hi @paolofrs , I don't seem to find any setting where I can change the logging level to "all". Even logread via ssh doesn't seem to log the chirpstack gateway app. I am using version lgw-5.4.1599149041 which was released a few days ago.

I will check if the dargino firewall has the ports closed for MQTT but that still doesn't explain why I am not seeing any logs.

The service seems to start and stop correctly.

Any guess why these could be happening or where I can enable the logs for the service? Thanks!

I am having the exact same issue on the LPS8 using the latest firmware and gateway bridge build. Nothing gets logged at all. I don't even get output when running the gateway bridge manually.

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Since it seems I am not the only one experiencing this problem. @brocaar could you give it a look please? I am happy to collaborate in the solution if you need my help. I can also provide more information about the issue if you need it.


brocaar commented 3 years ago

@aalbinati I do not have a LPS8 gateway to test with currently.

paolofrs commented 3 years ago

Hi @paolofrs , I don't seem to find any setting where I can change the logging level to "all". Even logread via ssh doesn't seem to log the chirpstack gateway app. I am using version lgw-5.4.1599149041 which was released a few days ago.

I will check if the dargino firewall has the ports closed for MQTT but that still doesn't explain why I am not seeing any logs.

The service seems to start and stop correctly.

Any guess why these could be happening or where I can enable the logs for the service? Thanks!

Hi, @aalbinati sorry for the very late answer... I had time to make some more test and indeed... I discovered that latest firmware versions (from lgw-5.4.1599149041 ongoing) are not any more compatible with chirpstack-gateway-bridge released for LG308. I do not know why.

The last firmware version that worked to me was LG02_LG08--build-v5.4.1593407804-20200629-1318 (they should have made some big changes since the filename changes as well from that version). I've just sampled in a lucky spot...

I can tell that that fw version works with chirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.9.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipk and have no informations for newers (I will try to revert to old working LPS8 firmware and latest gateway package).

@brocaar if this can help: when running chirpstack gateway either with /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge start or directly with /opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/chirpstack-gateway-bridge --config <path/to/chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml> the process gets a PID and I can see it with top. It uses a huge amount of CPU (compared to dragino pkt forwarder and other process). At first I assumed a resource issue but it does not make that much sense... It seems that the packets are not corretly forwarded to the gateway. There is any way to check if is either the gateway not working at all or the packet forwarder not properly routing UDP packets to the proper socket where cs-gateway is listening?

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

@paolofrs I see. The changes made in the firmware that broke the chirpstack-gateway-bridge are the following:

Link: LPS8 Changelog lgw--build-v5.4.1598286158-20200825-0025 --Rename firmware form LG02-LG08 to lgw --Remove Luci packets --LG01/LG02 Pkt_Fwd to use new UCI structure --Fix LG02 pkt_fwd hung bug --DLOS8 GPS position extend to 6 digits. --Better view for LoRaWAN page --Remove HTTP for LG308/LPS8/DLOS8 --Change Server address for TTN AU915 / AS923 --Enable Manual Config GPS (fake latitude, longitude and altitude) --System Overview page now shows if there is Cellular module --Add Kernal Patch in the build environment to build --Add Wifi for stable boot

Maybe you can identify a possible issue with one of those changes For the time being, I'll be forwarding the packets directly to the server.

@brocaar If you want us to something to fix the issue just tell us. We are here to help! Happy Holidays!

paolofrs commented 3 years ago

Hi @aalbinati ,

I've found out that the latest working release of chirpstack-gateway-bridge package for LPS8 is chirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.8.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipk.

This package works with the latest release of Dragino OpenWRT distro for LPS8/LG02, lgw--build-v5.4.1607519907-20201209-2120.

I will try to set up a cross-compile environment to build from chirpstack latest sources a package that is compatible with LPS8. I am quite new to these stuff, and it doesn't look that easy... Any help is more than welcome!

Happy Holidays! Buone Feste! :)

Haridhra commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

I am in the process of deciding between Dragino LPS8 or a Dragino LG308 LoRaWAN Gateway. Only thing stopping me from pulling the trigger on the much cheaper LPS8 is questionable compatibility with the chirpstack-gateway-bridge running on the gateway.

@paolofrs Does the version of the Chirpstack gateway bridge that you mention (3.8.0-r1) work with the latest version of Dragino OpenWRT distro when I follow the steps here ? Or did you have to do something different to get it working? Is it fully functional or only partially functional with limited features working? It would be of great help if you could share any information you know about this.

In case it is not possible to get chirpstack gateway bridge running on the LPS8 gateway, would it be possible to get the chirpstack gateway bridge running on a cloud server and use UDP packet forwarder on the Dragino LPS8 to get the LoRaWAN packets to ChirpStack? If this is the case, then please point me in the right direction to configure the UDP packet forwarder to work with chirpstack gateway bridge running on a cloud server.

Any help would be very useful to me!

Happy holidays!

Thanks in advance, Harid.

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Hi @Haridhra,

It is possible to forward the UDP packets to a server instance of the chirpstack gateway bridge. It's actually what I am doing nowadays until we get a fix. It is explained in this link:

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

@paolofrs did you make any progress in the cross-compilation? It would be great if you could explain me why do you think the version compiled by you will be different from the one available for download.

Haridhra commented 3 years ago

Hi @aalbinati ,

Thanks for the quick reply! That's good to know! Hopefully we get a fix soon! Running the Gateway Bridge on the gateway makes the solution much more secure after all.

Do you know any downsides to running the older version of the gateway bridge that @paolofrs mentioned on the gateway? Would that be a better way to go until we have the latest version working compared to UDP?

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

I don't know for sure what changes were made since that version so I can't tell. UDP forwarding to the server is not unsecure, packets are still encrypted by LORAWAN protocol that makes sure all information is secure. TCP forwarding is better since it makes sure that the packets get to the server. The gateway-bridge also adds one more layer of security by providing an ssl connection between the bridge and the server but the packets will be encrypted anyway so it wouldn't be a vulnerability to forward them directly to the server.

As far as I know we don't have any reason to believe UDP forwarding would be a bad workaround until the issue is fixed.

Haridhra commented 3 years ago

I don't know for sure what changes were made since that version so I can't tell. UDP forwarding to the server is not unsecure, packets are still encrypted by LORAWAN protocol that makes sure all information is secure. TCP forwarding is better since it makes sure that the packets get to the server. The gateway-bridge also adds one more layer of security by providing an ssl connection between the bridge and the server but the packets will be encrypted anyway so it wouldn't be a vulnerability to forward them directly to the server.

As far as I know we don't have any reason to believe UDP forwarding would be a bad workaround until the issue is fixed.

Ah I see, thanks a lot for the information! I think I can comfortably use UDP until we get a fix then!

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Hi @aalbinati ,

I've found out that the latest working release of chirpstack-gateway-bridge package for LPS8 is chirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.8.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipk.

This package works with the latest release of Dragino OpenWRT distro for LPS8/LG02, lgw--build-v5.4.1607519907-20201209-2120.

I will try to set up a cross-compile environment to build from chirpstack latest sources a package that is compatible with LPS8. I am quite new to these stuff, and it doesn't look that easy... Any help is more than welcome!

Happy Holidays! Buone Feste! :)

Hi @Haridhra @paolofrs ,

I can confirm I had the same results. Version 3.8.0 works fine in Dragino LPS8 with its latest firmware! If we want to keep compatibility with future version we should try compiling the code by ourselves and change whichever part of the code messes up compatibility with LPS8. I'm sure its just a tiny fraction of code that breaks it, the difficult part is to find it if we didn't code it.

paolofrs commented 3 years ago

As far as I know, the UDP isn't secure but even worse it isn't reliable... Running CS Gateway Bridge on the LPS8/LG308 enable MQTT(S) protocol that is secure and reliable (if it works properly šŸ˜„ ) . It uses TCP with SSL encryption and authentication. What @aalbinati says about the lora packets it's true but... you share all the rest when using UDP. That would make a bored guy who want to sniff the temperature of your country house very happy... šŸ˜„

@Haridhra I just want to add this thing I've recently discovered: I suggest you to use the LPS8 ETH port to access internet. Using the WiFi Client mode is not very stable at the moment. I assume an RF hardware problem but we will see... I am really happy of the LPS8 and Dragino products in general (I am using LT I/O controller) thus both of them should be ok!

@aalbinati good to heard that! I've contacted Dragino directly to see how to compile GO for LPS8. šŸ‘

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Hi @paolofrs,

I can manage to get the bridge working on the LPS8 with bridge version 3.8.0 but have some strange error that blocks the downlink packets.

Tue Dec 29 22:49:31 2020 chirpstack-gateway-bridge[10736]: time="2020-12-30T01:49:31Z" level=info msg="integration/mqtt: downlink frame received" downlink_id=da946afd-e4d2-4c8e-8dc8-a4e1db22441d gateway_id=0000000000000000

Tue Dec 29 22:49:31 2020 user.err chirpstack-gateway-bridge[10736]: time="2020-12-30T01:49:31Z" level=error msg="send downlink frame error" error="get gateway error: gateway does not exist"

My gateway id isn't 0000000000000 so something must be wrong there. If I just forward the UDP packets to the server bridge it works fine, so it is a really strange error don't you think?

Any help would be appreciated

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

When inspecting the downlink packet i see this.

gateway/myGWid/command/down {"phyPayload":null,"txInfo":null,"token":39753,"downlinkID":"pU935k1KQPOFkt6S+k15NQ==","items":[{"phyPayload":"IHrMhC7uCHBSIRFJmvJwM3Frbzxb4DnhFYCAE5sBT9Wy","txInfo":{"gatewayID":null,"frequency":923300000,"power":27,"modulation":"LORA","loRaModulationInfo":{"bandwidth":500,"spreadingFactor":12,"codeRate":"4/5","polarizationInversion":true},"board":0,"antenna":0,"timing":"DELAY","delayTimingInfo":{"delay":"5s"},"context":"nnb9FA=="}},{"phyPayload":"IHrMhC7uCHBSIRFJmvJwM3Frbzxb4DnhFYCAE5sBT9Wy","txInfo":{"gatewayID":null,"frequency":923300000,"power":27,"modulation":"LORA","loRaModulationInfo":{"bandwidth":500,"spreadingFactor":12,"codeRate":"4/5","polarizationInversion":true},"board":0,"antenna":0,"timing":"DELAY","delayTimingInfo":{"delay":"6s"},"context":"nnb9FA=="}}],"gatewayID":"MygwID base64 encoded"}

So the gateway recieves a packet with the correct gatewayID but fails to interpet it somehow. If the message is recieved by the gateway bridge in the server there's no problem but when recieved by the bridge in the Dragino thi error occurs Do you have any idea why this might be happenning @brocaar ?

Haridhra commented 3 years ago

As far as I know, the UDP isn't secure but even worse it isn't reliable... Running CS Gateway Bridge on the LPS8/LG308 enable MQTT(S) protocol that is secure and reliable (if it works properly šŸ˜„ ) . It uses TCP with SSL encryption and authentication. What @aalbinati says about the lora packets it's true but... you share all the rest when using UDP. That would make a bored guy who want to sniff the temperature of your country house very happy... šŸ˜„

@Haridhra I just want to add this thing I've recently discovered: I suggest you to use the LPS8 ETH port to access internet. Using the WiFi Client mode is not very stable at the moment. I assume an RF hardware problem but we will see... I am really happy of the LPS8 and Dragino products in general (I am using LT I/O controller) thus both of them should be ok!

@aalbinati good to heard that! I've contacted Dragino directly to see how to compile GO for LPS8. šŸ‘

Thanks @paolofrs for the information! So as I understand it, the LoRaWAN encryption keeps the data from the node to the gateway safe but UDP could compromise gateway to LoRaWAN server (cloud) security. Do I have it right?

If yes, I was reading about the LoRa Basics Station and that seems to be safer than UDP. Is there a way we can get Basics Station running on the LPS8?

pulidoj commented 3 years ago

Hi all of you,

It's really interesting your discussion about this issue. I'm also working on this as we use a lot of Dragino products: LG308, LPS8, OLG01, DLOS8... So far we have been working with UDP mode over Gateway Bridge installed on servers and everything works really great.

We are starting to migrate to Gateway Bridge installed on gateways because of security and also for some blockchain projects and our results are the same as yours for the moment, for both LG308 and LPS8. Version 3.8.0 works great, but neither 3.9.1 nor 3.9.2 do it. For some reason the lora_pkt_fwd cannot connect to Gateway Bridge in those versions.

We are working on this and we will let you know if we get some positive results. If you get something and need to test it in any Dragino products, just let us know.

Related to @Haridhra request about Basic Station, I guess it could be a parallel product to Chirpstack Gateway Bridge. I had no much time to research, but perhaps Chirpstack Network server should need some kind of adaptation to it. I'll have a look more in depth.



Haridhra commented 3 years ago

@pulidoj I see! Thanks for the information!

Meanwhile while I try to get more information about Basic Station, I would like to know if UDP is okay to use for commercial applications or if it's not at all recommended for commercial applications?

I see that other network servers like The Things Stack don't have an offering for gateway bridges running on gateways. If UDP is insecure would they not try to steer away from it? Or does running the gateway bridge on the gateway just provide an additional layer of security? I'm quite new to network security, so please bear with my questions. :)

pulidoj commented 3 years ago

Hi @Haridhra,

Well, I think it depends very much on the scope of the project, the type of the network. Our experience is that we have more than 250 gateways running in UDP mode and you had no security issues for the moment, the first ones running with TTN as well.

But I think it is not just say UDP is secure or insecure. I would consider different aspects:

So, as conclusion, I think gateway bridge is a great tool to have in hand and use it when it suits better.


ionultd commented 3 years ago

Hi @pulidoj , @Haridhra , @paolofrs , @aalbinati any updates on getting the Dragino LPS8 to work with Chirpstack? My firmware version is lgw-5.4.1610176959 and I do have the gateway ipk running on the gateway but for some reason when I set the Lorawan settings via the Dragino admin it appears to not accept them. I put the correct settings in and when submitted the form comes back empty as if I had no settings set. Image 1 of the settings in then image 2 after submitting the settings. Image 1 Image 2

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Hi @pulidoj , @Haridhra , @paolofrs , @aalbinati any updates on getting the Dragino LPS8 to work with Chirpstack? My firmware version is lgw-5.4.1610176959 and I do have the gateway ipk running on the gateway but for some reason when I set the Lorawan settings via the Dragino admin it appears to not accept them. I put the correct settings in and when submitted the form comes back empty as if I had no settings set. Image 1 of the settings in then image 2 after submitting the settings. Image 1 Image 2

I don't know why that's happening to you. I am using the LPS8 gateway with no problems but I couldn't get it to work with the gateway bridge installed in it. Your problem doesn't have nothing to do with that. Try, using another bowser or switch to version lgw-5.4.1607519907 which works fine for me.

pduarte-coder commented 3 years ago

I have been able to make Gateway Bridge work on the LPS8.

The steps that I used are the following: Updated the Gateway firmware to the latest version ā€œdragino-lgw--v5.4.1610176959-squashfs-sysupgrade.binā€. Install the latest Gateway Bridge ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.10.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipkā€. At this point the Gateway Bridge will not work. Get the latest code for the Gateway Bridge from the Git repository. Do a ā€œbuild snapshotā€ to compile it for the non-native supported platforms. I used an Ubuntu VM and needed to install some dependencies. Get the file ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridgeā€ from ā€œdist/linux_mipsā€ and replace the one in the Gateway with it (ā€œ/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/ā€). Now it will work.

Maybe an updated ipk is needed?

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

I have been able to make Gateway Bridge work on the LPS8.

The steps that I used are the following: Updated the Gateway firmware to the latest version ā€œdragino-lgw--v5.4.1610176959-squashfs-sysupgrade.binā€. Install the latest Gateway Bridge ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.10.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipkā€. At this point the Gateway Bridge will not work. Get the latest code for the Gateway Bridge from the Git repository. Do a ā€œbuild snapshotā€ to compile it for the non-native supported platforms. I used an Ubuntu VM and needed to install some dependencies. Get the file ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridgeā€ from ā€œdist/linux_mipsā€ and replace the one in the Gateway with it (ā€œ/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/ā€). Now it will work.

Maybe an updated ipk is needed?

That's great! Could you share the compiled package please?

pduarte-coder commented 3 years ago

I have been able to make Gateway Bridge work on the LPS8. The steps that I used are the following: Updated the Gateway firmware to the latest version ā€œdragino-lgw--v5.4.1610176959-squashfs-sysupgrade.binā€. Install the latest Gateway Bridge ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.10.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipkā€. At this point the Gateway Bridge will not work. Get the latest code for the Gateway Bridge from the Git repository. Do a ā€œbuild snapshotā€ to compile it for the non-native supported platforms. I used an Ubuntu VM and needed to install some dependencies. Get the file ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridgeā€ from ā€œdist/linux_mipsā€ and replace the one in the Gateway with it (ā€œ/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/ā€). Now it will work. Maybe an updated ipk is needed?

That's great! Could you share the compiled package please?

The build process does not produce any ipk file, just deb, rpm, tar.gz and the executable (that I have attached). For the record, at the time I build it, it was chirpstack-gateway-bridge_SNAPSHOT-99d1450_linux_mips.

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Perfect, I will try to install it later today!

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Tried updating to the latest firmware but now my gateway is bricked :( I just sent an email to Dragino but if anyone knows how to unbrick it I would really appreciate you tell me. It only has the red power led on. It doesn't broadcast any wifi and the Ethernet connection fails.

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

Tried updating to the latest firmware but now my gateway is bricked :( I just sent an email to Dragino but if anyone knows how to unbrick it I would really appreciate you tell me. It only has the red power led on. It doesn't broadcast any wifi and the Ethernet connection fails.

Solved!!! If anyone encounters the same problem head to this guide. It really helped me out!

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

I have been able to make Gateway Bridge work on the LPS8. The steps that I used are the following: Updated the Gateway firmware to the latest version ā€œdragino-lgw--v5.4.1610176959-squashfs-sysupgrade.binā€. Install the latest Gateway Bridge ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridge_3.10.0-r1_mips_24kc.ipkā€. At this point the Gateway Bridge will not work. Get the latest code for the Gateway Bridge from the Git repository. Do a ā€œbuild snapshotā€ to compile it for the non-native supported platforms. I used an Ubuntu VM and needed to install some dependencies. Get the file ā€œchirpstack-gateway-bridgeā€ from ā€œdist/linux_mipsā€ and replace the one in the Gateway with it (ā€œ/opt/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/ā€). Now it will work. Maybe an updated ipk is needed?

That's great! Could you share the compiled package please?

The build process does not produce any ipk file, just deb, rpm, tar.gz and the executable (that I have attached). For the record, at the time I build it, it was chirpstack-gateway-bridge_SNAPSHOT-99d1450_linux_mips.

I did everything exactly as you mentioned but with the newest firmware which is dragino-lgw--v5.4.1614945073-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin. Unfortunately it didn't work. Don't know what might be happening.

pduarte-coder commented 3 years ago

I have used this procedure with 3 Gateways, and they are working correctly. Did you unzip the file, and after copying it to the gateway, changed its permissions? Did you changed the ā€œPrimary LoRaWAN Serverā€ and edited de Gateway Bridge configuration file? What steps have you executed to check that ā€œit didnā€™t workā€?

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

I have used this procedure with 3 Gateways, and they are working correctly. Did you unzip the file, and after copying it to the gateway, changed its permissions? Did you changed the ā€œPrimary LoRaWAN Serverā€ and edited de Gateway Bridge configuration file? What steps have you executed to check that ā€œit didnā€™t workā€?

I have done all of that except for the file permissions part. I will try with permissions set on 777. Thanks

aalbinati commented 3 years ago

I tried that but it doesn't even execute. Whenever I run /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge start it says Starting chirpstack-gateway-bridge meaning it is running the init file but the process really never starts because I cant't find it using ps command and when I type /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge stop it says:

Stopping chirpstack-gateway-bridge start-stop-daemon: warning: killing process 27026: No such process

Weird don't you think? Do you know what could be causing this issue?

bmurithi commented 2 years ago

For anyone looking for a device-specific solution to this, thje OpenWRT packages feed ships with golang package support. (On an 18.04) based build, I had to pull in golang package support from the mainline. Used existing golang WRT packages in the mainline feeds to set this up.

Had to compile a working version with the toolchain to the the bridge to work on a dragino with the unified firmware (lgw). You can modify this to include a configuration package and procd configuration for supervision.


# inside a working buildroot (at the very least initialized/prepared)
cd openwrt
cd feeds/packages
git apply packages.diff
cd ../../
./scripts/feeds update -a
./scripts/feeds install chirpstack-gateway-bridge
make menuconfig
# Select chirpstack-gateway-bridge under Network > LoRa
# Save your changes to build configuration
 make package/chirpstack-gateway-bridge/compile

You can customize the package manifest to include a default configuration and procd setup so it's supervised.

vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/dragino/dragino-lede-18.06/openwrt$ cd bin/packages/mips_24kc/
base/      dragino/   luci/      luci2/     packages/  routing/   telephony/ xluci2/    
vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/dragino/dragino-lede-18.06/openwrt$ find bin/packages/mips_24kc/packages/chirp*

Patch + Package


Running on a dragino pico gateway (LPS8)


bmurithi commented 2 years ago

I tried that but it doesn't even execute. Whenever I run /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge start it says Starting chirpstack-gateway-bridge meaning it is running the init file but the process really never starts because I cant't find it using ps command and when I type /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge stop it says:

Stopping chirpstack-gateway-bridge start-stop-daemon: warning: killing process 27026: No such process

Weird don't you think? Do you know what could be causing this issue?

Replace /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge with a procd-based configuration (sample -below)

My PROG path is different as I compiled the gateway bridge using the OpenWRT golang toolchain.

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common



start_service() {
    procd_set_param command "$PROG"
    procd_append_param command --config "${CONFIG}"
    procd_set_param stderr 1
    procd_set_param stdout 1
    procd_set_param respawn

Starting / Stopping

root@dragino:/# ubus call service list '{"name": "chirpstack-gateway-bridge"}'
    "chirpstack-gateway-bridge": {
        "instances": {
            "instance1": {
                "running": true,
                "pid": 10582,
                "command": [
                "term_timeout": 5,
                "respawn": {
                    "threshold": 3600,
                    "timeout": 5,
                    "retry": 5
root@dragino:/# /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge stop
root@dragino:/# ubus call service list '{"name": "chirpstack-gateway-bridge"}'

root@dragino:/# pgrep chirpstack
root@dragino:/# /etc/init.d/chirpstack-gateway-bridge start
root@dragino:/# pgrep chirpstack
root@dragino:/# ubus call service list '{"name": "chirpstack-gateway-bridge"}'
    "chirpstack-gateway-bridge": {
        "instances": {
            "instance1": {
                "running": true,
                "pid": 12120,
                "command": [
                "term_timeout": 5,
                "respawn": {
                    "threshold": 3600,
                    "timeout": 5,
                    "retry": 5
thienvomybk0507 commented 2 years ago

I need some document about : Setup Dragino Lps8 LoRaWAN Gateway and adding sensors to Chirpstack Network Server. Who can give me?

bmurithi commented 2 years ago

I need some document about : Setup Dragino Lps8 LoRaWAN Gateway and adding sensors to Chirpstack Network Server. Who can give me?


Usually straightforward for most use-cases.

tmedicci commented 2 years ago

Just an update: the newest version package for the LG308 still hangs on the LPS8 model.

I've built the v3.13.2 for the LPS8 myself:

brocaar commented 1 year ago

Please refer to Together with one of my clients, I've been working on a re-implementation of the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge, but then specific for the gateway with as requirement that it must run on devices with limited resourced (like the Dragino OpenWRT based gateways).