If I enqueue a payload with the curl command: curl -X POST --header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ --header ‘Grpc-Metadata-Authorization: Bearer my_API_KEY’ --header ‘Accept: application/json’ -d ‘{“DeviceQueueItem”:{“confirmed”:false,“fPort”:5,“data”:“EA==”}}’ ‘http://:8090/api/devices/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/queue’ , an entry is created and presented in the que device tab on the chirpstack web interface. However the added entry always present fPort:0 and data:"". And if I also change the "confirmed":true in the DeviceQueueItem from curl command, it still shows the confirmed field as false.
If I enqueue with the python example, which uses GRPC, it works OK.
I've opened a chirpstack forum topic "Chirpstack-rest-api problem?" (https://forum.chirpstack.io/t/chirpstack-rest-api-problem/15724/3) and after some time and many tests I think it should be a bug. In summary:
If I enqueue with the python example, which uses GRPC, it works OK.
Any ideas ?