chirunconf / chirunconf19

Discussion of potential projects for Chicago R Unconference, March 9-10, 2019
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Build out an Unconf Toolbox to help folks organize their own unconfs #10

Open angela-li opened 5 years ago

angela-li commented 5 years ago

I'd like to put together a resource at the unconf for folks to make it easier for folks organize their own unconferences locally, and get that information out of my head! (This is a very meta project)

I envision a few potential parts to this, but more could be added:

So if you're interested in Shiny apps, dashboarding, documentation, or simply in organizing your own unconf, join me! I want to hear from you: what tools would make it easier for you to organize your own unconf? What do you need to know? What seems scary or daunting?

alexpghayes commented 5 years ago

This project also features an obligatory mid-conference Inception viewing.

maurolepore commented 5 years ago

Wouldn't an R package be a useful container for building and sharing this?

I'm totally biased towards a package because that's what I do all the time and have little experience with other frameworks to accomplish similar things.

These is how the features you want map to features in R packages. Please don't take this as mansplaining -- you may know these better than I. I just want to use this as a base for the discussion:

a website template that you could use to set up your unconf website (pkgdown/usethis? Hugo blogdown template?)

a bookdown guide/wiki as to how to organize an unconf (documenting the process of how we did this)

a Shiny app that helps you read and judge applications

a dashboard to report out the status of issues closed at the unconf

a Twitter bot to tweet every time an unconf issue is closed (?)

As for distributing the 'kit', future organizers may install the package and maybe start from a package-template you provide (accessible in RStudio), or fork it from GitHub.

sctyner commented 5 years ago

I can contribute knowledge to this! Writing an R package sounds fun, but there's a lot of stuff (people usually call these "soft skills") that can't be packaged. I like the idea of creating a github org and part of that is the shiny apps and the r package but the other piece is the bookdown book with all of the softer stuff.

angela-li commented 5 years ago

Good ideas all! I think having an overarching Github org to aggregate all the things we produce would be fantastic. I'll do some more thinking as to how to scope/split up the work -- maybe we'll end up forming a massive group, in which we have a few sub-teams:

In any case, I'm really excited for this! It's something I know will be immediately useful to me and Sam, and others in the future.

rpodcast commented 5 years ago

Count me in! I will add various links I've bookmarked that could be useful as we scope out an infrastructure for the apps and automation pieces:

emilyriederer commented 5 years ago

I'd love to help out here, too! Time and resource permitting.

Some ideas (biased by a work-in-progress package of mine that's also focused on "automating the boring stuff" of project management):

More things I think would be cool as we've gone along:

Finally, one other Shiny app idea I'll mention is a "job board" to help people find projects. For example, in the "tidyverse dev day" spirit, a single dashboard could pull together issues from all the different repos whose maintainers are there and have tagged issues. I have a very minimal proof-of-concept of that here just to show what I mean (but it's incredibly rudimentary at the moment)