chiuki / espresso-samples

A collection of samples demonstrating different Espresso techniques.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Dialog by instanceOf not just tag. #1

Closed neiljaywarner closed 7 years ago

neiljaywarner commented 8 years ago

Hello, What do you think of a idling resource that you could use for all your espresso tests that checks getFragmentManager().getFragments() and iterates through seeing if any of them are LoadingDialogFragment - rather than having to register and unregister before every time a spinner pops up, just register in before and unregister in after?

Since any spinner means the app is not idle, rather than a specific spinner?

chiuki commented 8 years ago

Sure! Fork this repo and implement that as a solution, post the link to this issue, and I'll link to it from the README.