chjj / blessed

A high-level terminal interface library for node.js.
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Support for Moebius .utf8ans images/sprites #410

Open telamon opened 3 years ago

telamon commented 3 years ago

I'm a little bit sad, cause I made some nice ANSI art using the awesome blocktronics/moebius editor, and wanted display it in a game that uses blessed.

But alas I discovered that the ANSIImage widget takes a png or gif as input. which is really cool but given the artistic detail of a handcrafted ANSI image versus an auto-generated ANSI image... It's not quite the same... :cry:

What's the best way mix blessed widgets and pre-escaped ansii art like this? (PNG preview)

I'm aware of the ansi-viewer in examples but i don't want to spin up a new pty for each sprite on screen.

From what little I've dug up so far my gut tells me that blessed was not really designed to mix with content that already contains escape characters.

Any kind of suggestions for a workaround would be immensely appreciated. Cheers!