chjj / blessed

A high-level terminal interface library for node.js.
11.2k stars 528 forks source link

Archive project? #418

Open EvanCarroll opened 3 years ago

EvanCarroll commented 3 years ago

This project is beyond dead. There are open PRs waiting in queue. I think it's a good time to consider archiving it unless you plan to pick it back up. Then at least we send the signal to others looking to revive it.

poetaman commented 2 years ago

There seems to be a fork of blessed that is is being maintained:

cryptoAlgorithm commented 2 years ago

@chjj Your input would be appreciated :)

arenddeboer commented 2 years ago

People looking for an actively maintained alternative may have a look at terminal kit:

Zikoel commented 2 years ago

There seems to be a fork of blessed that is is being maintained:

This seems un-mantained like the original.

zach-is-my-name commented 2 years ago

I would like to recommend

I initially overlooked it in favor of Blessed because I thought Ink's React approach was overkill and assumed Blessed could do what I needed in a fun old-school kinda way... Turns out it's just old and there's a huge risk of it not being about to do what you want and you'll be left thinking about either forking Blessed, searching other forks (all seem inactive), or trying While I did try Terminal-Kit, and the author seems genuinely nice and friendly it's documentation is not... And you assume the same risk mentioned trying Blessed in the first place...

Technology aside, sindresorhus is a co-maintainer of Ink, and he might as well be a brand-name in open source development standing for quality and responsiveness.

And personally it solves issue #253 for me, so tech-wise it turned out to be the right decision as well...

edit search repo react-blessed which combines the best of Ink and blessed

kenan238 commented 2 years ago

Hey! I made an active blessed fork. If you wanna check it out:

panoply commented 2 years ago

@EvanCarroll Good code does not expire. Because a project has a bunch of PR's waiting does not mean it should be archived. Blessed Contrib still leans on this module as does thousands of others, "This project is beyond dead" smh.

EvanCarroll commented 2 years ago

@panoply "Good code does not expire." says you. It's unmaintained. There are at least two forks that have taken the banner

It's dead because it's not moving and not alive, like a corpse it still exists. That's what GitHub's archival is. It identifies code as dead.

Blessed Contrib still leans on this module as does thousands of others

Well then read the opinions of the active maintainers of blessed contrib

Indeed the original blessed package isn't maintained anymore, and I'm happy to explore the option of working based off of the new fork.

So even they're looking to move off of the dead code to a fork that is not dead.

panoply commented 2 years ago

It's insecure

Elaborate? Are you referring to the 47 PR's that are mostly typos corrections, doc fixes or bordering insignificant with the exception of a couple of bug fixes? Oh wait.... You must mean the issues, right? the 176 issues where more than half should be on stackoverflow, a quarter are feature requests for specific use cases and the other quarter somewhat account for further investigation. For the most part the vast majority do not employ significant changes to the current status quo.

It's dead because it's not moving and not alive, like a corpse it still exists. That's what GitHub's archival is. It identifies code as dead.

You're rather gloomy.

Well then read the opinions of the active maintainers of blessed contrib

You literally just linked a thread where 1 maintainer states he is happy to use fork but beyond a couple of dependency updates he is unsure of the next logical steps.

There are at least two forks that have taken the banner

Forked variations are great in theory but there are very little success stories which exist in the wild (with exceptions of course) and you need look no further than Neo blessed which is... well...."dead", "not moving" and "not alive" ("like a corpse") as some would put it. Also, blessed is typed and without manual intervention the forked variants like neo-blessed and reblessed require one to manually redeclare typings not mention they are incompatible with current breadwinners in this nexus like blessed-contrib.

Evan, you literally came to a repository, submitted an issue wherein you suggest it be archived. You did not offer to help, you did not offer suggestions moving forward. Your reasoning for this is "it's dead" and "That's what GitHub's archival is" then from here you proceeded to link a thread to a related project which merely affirms replacing this as dependency with a fork would be pointless if its unmaintained. Ironically it just so happens to be the case for the vast majority of blessed forks (or "at least 2" as you mentioned) so, again why would you suggest this be archived, Evan?

Your argument for archiving is "It identifies code as dead" and the assumption you've put forward is that others will begin using a forked variant, right? but where is the fork Evan? because reblessed is fresh and looks promising but thousands cannot rely on this, neo-blessed is a "corpse" and if we are working from your logic Evan, once a project is archived on github someone will magically just revive it because it is archived, right or use the fork, right? Am I following correctly? This is what you are saying, right? I am generally curious, how many projects that move into archive become revived, Evan? From my experience and many others in the software nexus tend to view archived projects as modules and code to be avoided but the problem here is you have given zero reasoning beyond "it's dead" as to why blessed should be archived and avoided.... oh... yes... its "insecure" right? Maybe Marak has made you a little nervous.

If you really feel like a rebuttal is necessary here please be sure to reference your issue "likes" because they are very informative and telling.

ccoenen commented 2 years ago

you literally came to a repository, submitted an issue wherein you suggest it be archived. You did not offer to help, you did not offer suggestions moving forward.

Last help offer that was accepted was in 2016. 47 pull requests that are very real help offers were unanswered. I don't think this requires "help offers".

This project was good while it lasted and I thank the author for creating and sharing it. It was useful to me. I would still warn anyone to start new projects with this dependency, because it is quite abandoned. Archiving is a very simple step to make it clear that this project is no longer actively maintained (which would seem to be the case).

zach-is-my-name commented 2 years ago

Echo, @ccoenen 's statement about risk factor. Read and understand the docs and issues. Understand the constraints they may place on your innovation.

kenan238 commented 2 years ago

I think @chjj just forgot blessed was a thing lmfao... I checked his github and he is still active, just on other repos.

so1ve commented 1 year ago

I think @chjj just forgot blessed was a thing lmfao... I checked his github and he is still active, just on other repos.

No longer...

ibqn commented 11 months ago

I would like to recommend

Thank you. your suggestion looks like a way for me to go!

zach-is-my-name commented 11 months ago

@ibqn has it been updated to help build tui's? Last I saw it had a lot of open issues with full-screen app managment

gustawdaniel commented 10 months ago

Ink is incredible but has constraints:

In contrast, the much less popular has both these options.

What do you think about this project?

so1ve commented 10 months ago

@gustawdaniel Awesome! Checkout for vue version :)