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Blur During Fade #364

Open dnut opened 8 years ago

dnut commented 8 years ago

When windows and menus fade in or out and blur is enabled, everything is blurred behind them. For normal amounts of blur, this isn't a big deal, but while using heavy blur, like 13x13 gaussian blur (which itself looks great when desired), blurring every fade looks bad and seems to hurt performance. It would be nice if blurring during fade were disabled, or if were made optional.

Can the exclude list be modified on the fly? Maybe there's an easy way to do this. A problem with modifying the exclude list might be that if a window was already transparent with blur, during fade that would be lost and you would have a sudden jump to clarity (or blur) at the start (or end) of the fade. I suppose this could take a lot of rewriting to make it work well, but maybe a quick and dirty workaround could improve the situation.

dnut commented 8 years ago

Regarding that sudden jump to clarity or blur, now that I think about it, that's basically what's happening already. Every time a window fades in, the first thing that happens is the rectangle where it will appear becomes totally blurred. Every time a window fades out, the background behind it is suddenly revealed as blurry when the fade begins, and remains blurry until it is completely gone, then it suddenly jumps to clarity. This is why it looks so bad.

In my recommended solution, you would no longer experience this except for windows that are already transparent. Even in that case it wouldn't be as bad, because the blur jump occurs behind an only partially transparent window, instead of happening against a fully exposed background.

So if we had some way to automatically add and remove a window to and from the exclude list at the start and end of a fade, that would improve the entire situation. It may seem like pointless CPU instructions, but it should actually improve performance by avoiding unnecessary blur.

seifriedc commented 5 years ago

Is there any update on this? I'm having the same issue and it is pretty distracting.

adambarjo commented 4 years ago

If anyone is still having this issue, this might help: Try using tryone's dual kawase blur fork of picom, found here. This fixed the problem for me. Closing blurred windows now degrades the blur until clear, instead of jumping from blurred to clear.