Open coreybruce opened 6 years ago
This issue occurs when building man files. To skip building them do the folowing: Delete the following lines in the Makefile:
man/%.1: man/%.1.asciidoc
a2x --format manpage $<
man/%.1.html: man/%.1.asciidoc
asciidoc $
ifneq "$(MANPAGES)" ""
@install -m644 $(MANPAGES) "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)"/
@rm -f $(addprefix "$(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)"/, compton.1 compton-trans.1)
@install -d "$(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)" "$(DESTDIR)$(APPDIR)"
@rm -f $(OBJS) compton $(MANPAGES) $(MANPAGES_HTML) .clang_complete
@rm -f $(OBJS) compton .clang_complete
I get Makefile:146 error when I do sudo make docs and sudo make install
sudo make docs a2x --format manpage man/compton.1.asciidoc a2x: ERROR: "xmllint" --nonet --noout --valid "/tmp/compton/man/compton.1.xml" returned non-zero exit status 127 Makefile:146: recipe for target 'man/compton.1' failed make: *** [man/compton.1] Error 1 corey@stuart-laptop:/tmp/compton$ sudo make install a2x --format manpage man/compton.1.asciidoc a2x: ERROR: "xmllint" --nonet --noout --valid "/tmp/compton/man/compton.1.xml" returned non-zero exit status 127 Makefile:146: recipe for target 'man/compton.1' failed make: *** [man/compton.1] Error 1
Am I missing something?Also I suggest better documentation on dependencies needed when installing compton like for example on ubuntu based systems as I needed to install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev, mesa-common-dev as well as the libconfig-dev but will also depend on the distro your using but these stuff need to be noted for distros in use.