chjno / MEDP349-Fall17

MEDP 349 Physical Computing, Hunter College, Fall 2017
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array stopping #7

Open AlexPitre opened 7 years ago

AlexPitre commented 7 years ago

once my array cycles through, the program stops.

How can I get it to start back at the beginning?

I'm struggling with a few things, but one at a time I guess. All the // stuff is another issue.

chjno commented 7 years ago

aw you're so close! take a look at what you're measuring the length of right now and think about what you're trying to measure the length of. lmk if you still can't figure it out.

if (index > index.length - 1){
AlexPitre commented 7 years ago

ok, so i knew it was in that line. and i've tried a few different things and moved the if statement around. and just retried them.

i'm understanding it as: when the index is at the last position, the index becomes position 0 again. but that isnt happening and when i change the increment in if statement, it doesn't really change anything and if i take the line out completely it still runs the same.

chjno commented 7 years ago

Your index variable is a number, and the .length method only works for arrays (as far as we've seen... it actually works for strings, too). You want to be comparing index to the length of the burn array instead of the length of itself, so it should read:

if (index > burn.length - 1){
AlexPitre commented 7 years ago

ah ha! i had it wrong in my notes!