chkimes / graphql-net

Convert GraphQL to IQueryable
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FileLoadException FParsec-Pipes #71

Closed muratoner closed 6 years ago

muratoner commented 7 years ago


İşlenmeyen Özel Durum: System.TypeInitializationException: '<StartupCode$GraphQL-Parser>.$GraphQL.Parser.Parser' tür başlatıcısı özel durum döndürdü. ---> System.IO.FileLoadException: 'FParsec-Pipes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' dosyasını veya derlemesini ya da bağımlılıklarından birini yükleyemedi. Tanımlayıcı adlı derleme gerekli. (HRESULT özel durum döndürdü: 0x80131044) konum: <StartupCode$GraphQL-Parser>.$GraphQL.Parser.Parser..cctor() --- İç özel durum yığını izlemesinin sonu --- konum: GraphQL.Parser.Parser.get_document() konum: GraphQL.Parser.Parser.parseDocument(String source) konum: GraphQL.Parser.GraphQLDocument1.Parse(ISchema1 schema, String source) konum: GraphQL.Net.GraphQL1.ExecuteQuery(String queryStr, TContext queryContext) konum: GraphQL.Net.GraphQL1.ExecuteQuery(String queryStr) konum: GraphQL.Net.Program.Main(String[] args) C:\Users\muhac\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\GraphQL.Net\GraphQL.Net\Program.cs içinde: satır 36

Plaese help for this exception.

chkimes commented 7 years ago

Apologies for the delay. Please try upgrading to version 0.3.3 through NuGet to see if it solves this issue.

ghost commented 7 years ago

The nuget definition references 0.1.1 version of FParsec-Pipes library, but the package references 0.3.1. The temporal workaround is to update manually FParsec-Pïpes library to the most recent version (0.3.1).

chkimes commented 7 years ago

@kellermanrivero Oh of course, I forgot to update that when I upgraded FParsec-Pipes. Good catch!

I released version 0.3.4 which should reference the correct version of FParsec-Pipes in the nuget package.

MarianPalkus commented 6 years ago

@muratoner Can we close this issue?

muratoner commented 6 years ago

Yes please @MarianPalkus